Time out

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The ball bounced on the ground. Everyone and everything froze staring at Hinata as if time was frozen. Kageyama snapped out of it and ran to Hinata picking him up.
"SOMEONE CALL 911!!" Kageyama yelled at all the other players. They all looked at each other and called 911. Kageyama carried him out waiting for a good 4 minutes till the ambulance came. They took him in and kageyama was allowed to follow.
After bit they we're at the hospital kageyama sat by Hinata hospital bed waiting for him to wake.
"His foot broken... it all my fault I knew he couldn't play!!" Kageyama yelled at himself getting really mad. Hinata eyes weakly opened looking at kageyama.
"It's my fault not yours..." Hinata was in deep pain and fell back to sleep. Kageyama eyes watered, he was crying for his crush.
"Hinata... I'm sorry even if it not my fault.. I should of fought better" kageyama leaned over Hinata bed his tear falling on Hinata and he slowly kissed him then pulled away. The team arrived and rushed in to see Hinata. Kageyama walked out when everyone came in he didn't want to be around knowing he would get mad again and probably hurt his teammates. Sugawara noticed kageyama leaving and followed.
"Kageyama where you off too? Aren't you going to tell us what the doctor said?" Sugawara was just trying to get Kageyama stay.
"Ask the doctor if you care so much." kageyama said in a angry tune almost turning back to slap Sugawara. Sugawara grabbed kageyama shoulder turning him around.
"Is it cause you think it's your fault? Kageyama you did nothing wrong we all know he shouldn't have played and it None of our faults. It the other team fault for not watching their players." Sugawara was right but kageyama didn't want to say Sugawara was right. They ended up both walking back but before walking Sugawara said something that stayed on kageyama mind for the rest of the time.
"You feel worst because you like Hinata Don't you?" Sugawara said to kageyama wouldn't leave his mind. Kageyama would think
"I do h-how dose he know.. do I really show it that much" kageyama thought would distract him and he got nailed with the door.
"I'M SO SORRY!!" Sugawara said bowing his head to kageyama about 5 times. Everyone stared at Sugawara as kageyama followed him rubbing his face in pain.
"You found kageyama I thought he ran off" Sawamura said in a joking manner.
"It wouldn't be a surprise the king ran off, he probably thought we would leave him as well or even Hinata in fact" tsukishima said in a rudely way. Kageyama heart skipped a few beats hearing "or even Hinata in fact" kageyama didn't want him to leave his side, never ever, not till the end of time.

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