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(Some warning. Of crash)

Everyone finally calmed down about the kiss and practiced slowly ended. Hinata thought him and kageyama could go on a night walk as a second date. Kageyama agreed since he didn't really want to go home at the moment. They both started to head out when practice ended.
"Be careful and have fun!!" Sugawara shouted at the two and daichi wrapped his arm around sugawara neck smiling at the two. Hinata blushed but not as much as kageyama.
Meanwhile somewhere else, a Guy was drinking at a bar then was thrown out for starting to get to crazy he got into his car and was drinking and driving, he was almost hitting everything till he got on a clear road that hinata and kageyama had to cross over, they were already half way through the street by the time the guy was coming. Hinata noticed the car and started to panic.
"Hurry come on kageyama!" As Hinata said that the car was so close. If hinata got hurt again spraining or anything to his foot he would be done volleyball forever. Kageyama has to save him, kageyama pushed hinata out of the way. Hinata was knocked out from the hit to his head in the grass, there was only a little of blood.
10 minutes later.
He woke to sounds. People were screaming and yelling. The police and ambulances as there, his version was 100% still he could only see blur. A police man looked at hinata, who was already set in an ambulance the policeman got in. Hinata then could see normally again. He saw blood... broken glass... Car and a man crying and begging to a policemen. Then he noticed kageyama bag...
"K-kageyama..." he spoke before being told to relax and rest by the policeman. Hinata blacked out again.
At the hospital.
Hinata woke again, sugawara was the beside him in a chair. His sister and mother there as well. They were all chatting about someone. He didn't know who yet though.
"M-mom? Natsu? Sugawara?" He spoke a little shaking.
"Sweetheart! Your ok! Oh god I was so worried!" His mother hugged him he didn't feel any pain but his head. His sister hugged him too. Sugawara smiles then walked out, he went over to the team where he told them that he was awake. He was waiting for more news though. Nothing. Hinata had forgotten what had happened, he didn't ask though why he was there till he seem worried faces. Then a bag... a black bag. His mind went right to his boyfriend, the black hair, tall, handsome boy, kageyama tobio. Hinata eyes then widen fully.
"WHERE KAGEYAMA!!" He started to panic if wanted out of the bed to go find him. He need to see kageyama perfectly fine Face and body. He knew he was ok. Nothing had happened to kageyama. His mother freaked out as hinata yelled, he then called for a doctor to calm him down so. He couldn't get himself hurt. The doctor pinned hinata down giving him a calming needle to still his nerves. The team walked in after all upset faces with worried or sadness even stress. Hinata had no idea for who though.
"We told your mom about you dating kageyama, she very supporting Hinata" sugawara said trying to change the subject. Then hinata asked again.
"Where is kageyama?!..." but since his nerve were calm he didn't have a big reaction like before. Daichi looked at everyone. Everyone looked down.
"Kageyama is...."

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