A real kiss?

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They were few inches from each other faces. They were gonna kiss. Hinata started shaking. He was so happy and ready. He wanted this so badly. Kageyama then got to embarrassed and pulled back walking away. Hinata gasped and almost fell to the ground.
"HEY!!" Hinata called out to kageyama very annoyed.
"What is it?" Kageyama turned back.
"I wanted a kiss! You big over grown chicken!"
"I'm not a chicken, shorty"
"Then prove it!" Hinata yelled at kageyama it was mad. Kageyama sighed and walked back over grabbing Hinata chin lifting it up and kissed him. Hinata kisses him back. Then slowly there kiss had matched. Kageyama pulled away after.
"There happy? Now can I go home? We got practice tomorrow." He stomped off making his way back home, leaving Hinata in a blushing mess. He was dumb founded. Hinata shook his head, kageyama was now just a black blurry in the night. He smiled still thought and placed a hand out if he could actually touched him. Hinata then walked him too.
Few minutes later.
His mother was asking questions about where he was and if the date was fun or not. His little sister walked over and hugged him then kicked him.
"Shoyo! You big meanie! You said you practice volleyball with me today! Or did you have that much fun thinking about your boyfriend!" She placed her hands on her hips all sassy like. Hinata mother looked at him after hearing the word 'boyfriend'
"No! I went with a girl! Kageyama is just my teammates natsu!" He tried to cover it up.
"Then what did she look like!?!" Natsu yelled out. His mother also wanted to know. Hinata has to lie somehow now.
"She had black hair, blue eyes.. Almost taller then me..." he tried to lie as much as he could but he was also tell the truth.
"She plays volleyball at our school! She a Setter! Super pretty!" He smiled, hoping they fall for his lie. His mother nodded and walked back to the kitchen cleaning the dishes. Natsu then glared at him. She sighed and went to her room. That was close, too close for Hinata.
-at kageyama-
(Before I start I think kageyama Dad is a drinker and hurts him, but his mother is an angel. Since he quiet that's why his dad like that. Blah blah blah)
Kageyama walked in his parents fighting as normal over money or anything really. His father saw him and asked him why he was out so late. He shrugged it off. His mother then followed him to his room.
"How was your date? Was the girl nice?" She asked him with a sweet calming voice. Unlike before when she was speaking to his father. He nodded. She then walked off and went to her own room. His father slept on the couch so he could watch tv all night at times. He looked at his ceiling bored out of his mind. Slowly falling asleep.
A real kiss. A real kiss with a real person he loved. A real kiss with a guy. How will they even talk tomorrow without blushing at the thought. That what went through both of their minds that night.

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