What now?

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Kageyama was embarrassed and pushed him down then grabbed him  then Carried him to his room throwing him in his room.
"SLEEP!" Kageyama yelled at him to embarrassed to talk or do anything.
Hinata blankly sat on his bed, he frowned lightly almost breaking in tears in front of Kageyama. "K-kage.... yama.." Hinata tried to speak before Kageyama slammed the door closed.
"Stupid Hinata...." Kageyama mumbled sitting in his couch. Hinata sat on Kageyama bed grabbing one of his pillows crying softly into it, not just so he wouldn't be heard but for the scent of Kageyama. Kageyama sighed and fell asleep for 20 minutes. Hinata was still crying his eyes out. Hinata eyes were red from crying so much and pain from his foot. Kageyama checking the time to see it was 4am in the morning so he went to check on Hinata. Hinata was still awake, his face soaked from his tears that stopped after a while of crying. he was hugging Kageyama pillow just staring at the wall. Kageyama sat on his bed hugging Hinata.
"I'm go glad you said I love you but sadly I can't tell you this.. since your asleep"
Hinata blushed and looked at Kageyama.
"Y-you l-love me!?!" Hinata started crying again.
"You heard all that!!!" Kageyama said jumping to his feet and hitting him on the head leaving the room. Hinata rubbed his head and limped.
"Oww.. Kageyama that hurt a lot!"
"GET BACK TO BED AND SLEEP!!" Kageyama yelled not sure how to react and nervous. Hinata fell and looked at Kageyama wanting him to out him back to sleep.
"Kageyama... I can't stand up anymore it hurts." Hinata pouted and whimpered at him.
"Fine Kageyama." Kageyama picked him up carrying him back to the room sighing as well blushing. Hinata hugged Kageyama, not wanting to let go. Kageyama tried throwing him on the bed, Hinata didn't let go so Kageyama ended up falling on the bed with Hinata under him. Hinata let out a small whine of pain still not letting go.
"Let go stupid! You'll get your self more hurt!" Kageyama growled then froze feeling Hinata kissing his neck. This gave Kageyama strength to move away quickly and his face completely red. Hinata smiled then laid down sleeping.
"HINATA DON'T YIU ACT INNOCENT!!" Kageyama yelled at him, grab Hinata leg pulling him off the bed to face him.
"Ah- Kageyama that hurt!!" Hinata poured again. Kageyama gave his scary face which is his normal face. Hinata had tears in his eyes knowing Kageyama was mad at him but this made him feel way different then before. Kageyama put Hinata back on the bed then sat beside him. Hinata laid down looking at him still having tears. Kageyama wiped his tears.
"Sorry.." Kageyama whispered so Hinata couldn't hear him.
"What? I couldn't hear you Kageyama" Hinata said confusedly.
"I said I'm sorry." Kageyama said it louder this time and mumbled after.
Hinata smiled and hugged him then fell asleep. Kageyama hugged him and patted his head.
"Soft hair... cute face.. nice- WHAT AM I SAYING!" Kageyama yelled then covered his mouth noticing Hinata was asleep he was glad this time he didn't hear him. Kageyama sighed then patted Hinata head again kissing his forehead after, thinking of what next.
"What now..."

@Hinata_Izuku_Rp is my Instagram if you want to know when the next parts are uploaded.

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