Oikawa story

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Earlier before the car crash.
Oikawa was chilling at a cafe on a date with iwa. Oikawa was flirting and being his normal self with iwa. Iwa Just sipped his coffee and watched Oikawa. He enjoyed that part. Watching Oikawa lips move every time he speaks. Till the time he can kiss those soft lips onto his lips. He enjoys that more though. Oikawa then snapped his fingers in front of him.
"Hey Iwa-Chan! Are you listening!?" Oikawa pouted. Iwa still looked at his lips.
"Yeah I'm listening." He simple answered even though he heard a few words. Oikawa crosses his arms getting a call from kageyama mom. He was confused but answered it.
"H-Hello... is this tooru?" She sounded worried and stressed.
"Yes this is? Are you kageyama mother?" He asked calmly as iwa lifted his eye borrow staring.
"Y-Yes yes! Can you please watch kageyama for me! My son.. He can't stay Home with his father! H-He kill him! I already spoke to kageyama about it. H-he didn't care really! J-Just text him to allow it!" She said getting more panicky each time. Oikawa eyes widen. He always felt like a older brother to kageyama so he had to accept this. He didn't want kageyama hurt.
"Yes of course I'll get a bed ready and everything for him!" He smiled, iwa was still confused. She then sighed.
"Thank you, have a good day" then hung up. Oikawa placed his phone down and looked at iwa.
"It was tobio mother... he gonna be staying with me for a few weeks or so.. till his mother comes back." He said to iwa, not sure what else to say. Iwa nodded.
"Why?" Iwa asked. He had to ask the hard question.
"H-His father will kill him? I guess his father still drinks and gets mad and hits him.." Oikawa voice was shaky at first then calmed down. Iwa nodded again.
"I'll do my best to help too." Iwa smiled lightly. Oikawa then smiled too. Then went back to their date. As they were walking out to head to Oikawa place. He sent a text to kageyama.
O —> "you really chill staying with me? Till your mother back"
"Yes I'm perfectly fine with it." <— K
O —> "great I'll see you later at my place?"
"Yeah, I'm on a date at the moment so I'll walk by when dropping off hinata I guess." <— K
O —> "sounds great~"
🙄 <— K

Oikawa put his phone away and walked into his house. Iwa helped clean some of the rooms as Oikawa made the beds.
"Thanks iwa-Chan~" Oikawa winked.
"I'm doing this for Kageyama not you.." Iwa glared.
Few minutes after almost finishing cleaning. Oikawa phone went off. It was by a the hospital. Oikawa answered it quickly.
"Hello is this Oikawa tooru? We been told you reach you if anything has happened to kageyama tobio since both of his parents out of town?" The nurse said.
"Y-Yes!? Why what's wrongs!? Is he hurt!?" Oikawa panic and iwa touched Oikawa shoulder.
"He been in a car crash" the nurse said sadly.
"HE CAN'T DRIVE THOUGH!? WAS HE DRUNK!?" Oikawa shouted into the phone.
"No sir, he was hit by a car from a person who was drinking. The man is now in jail. But we're not sure if tobio will make it.. so please get here as quickly as you can. His friend was also hurt only a bit though." The nurse said To try calming him down. Iwa hugged Oikawa hearing some of the words through the phone.
"Y-Yes we'll be there soon!!" He then waited for the lady to hang up and ran out to the hospital. Iwa follows. They got there and noticed everyone. He went straight to the nurse to yell and see kageyama. But just ended up crying.

I'm hinata hospital room.
Everyone kinda just looked at each other waiting for some news they also needed someone to drop of hinata but he was then told to stay the night in case. So sugawara said he would stay by his side so his mother and sister could go home and rest. Oikawa stayed as well. Iwa wanted to stay but couldn't since he had to rest for school. The school allowed Oikawa to take a few days off for this problem since kageyama mother told him watch him. Sugawara did too. Sugawara watched hinata spoke to him and kept him in check so he would be fine. Oikawa didn't come in at times. Really everyone was just waiting to know if he was alive or dead.

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