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It has been a few years now. Kageyama always wanted to ask hinata to marry him, but that the he wasn't ready. Someone was ready though as they were leaving the restaurant. Hinata got down on one knee and pulled out a ring
"Kageyama Tobio, will you make me the happiest Man / Ace alive and marry me?" Hinata smiled at kageyama. Kageyama was suppose to ask him to marry him. It was the o lay way he get out of wearing a dress, but both them were gonna wear suits. Kageyama smiled and nodded.
"Yes I will marry you hinata shouyo"
Kageyama felt like cry as hinata placed the ring on Kageyama. (I wanted a plot twist~) hinata cried and they kissed everyone around them clapped and were happy even the people who didn't agree.
Another few months passed they planned the wedding for December. They both looked at each other as they stood there together. The priest welcome everyone then they started.
"We're here today to welcome the wedding of Kageyama Tobio and Hinata shouyo" the priest spoke and they waited to say their small speeches and then the most important part.
"Do you hinata Shouyo take Kageyama Tobio to be You lovely ever husband?"
Hinata took a deep breathe and smiled. "I do"
Kageyama smiled back at him and smiled.
"Do you Kageyama Tobio take Hinata shouyo to be your lovely ever husband?"
Kageyama looked at hinata.
"I do" as kageyama said I do the snow started to fall. It fell onto Kageyama hair. Since it was black the snow stood out easily. Hinata smiled and laughed at his hair. Kageyama blushed his hand over hinata hair to get out the snowflakes. Hinata smiled as snowflakes fell between.
"You May kiss the Grooms"
Kageyama and hinata then pulled each other closer and kissed everyone was cheering. Sugawara was crying, his little baby crows are finally together! Married before him and Daichi sadly. Daichi wrapped his arm around sugawara.
"One day" Daichi said "one day"
Sugawara smiles. Hinata And Kageyama finally pulled away. They turned to everyone and started to walk out, but since the snow was falling a lot of people were right behind them. It was too cold. Kageyama and hinata went to their party after. There was a lot of games, kissing and cake throwing. They even ended up setting the cake. Kageyama and hinata finally went home and lay down together.
"My life has been great thanks to you hinata.. thank you and I love you" kageyama said as he turned to hinata. Hinata blushed.
"Same to you Kageyama.. Let always play volleyball together and never say Goodbye."

The end.

((I have a new Kagehina story! Called Goodbye kageyama! Please check it out))

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