Chapter 2

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The Escape

Varian sits in his cell before hearing loud banging, swords, and ect. He soon hears the door open to only see a male person with a missing eye. Varian ask "What's going on?" The guy said "We are breaking out all prisoners today." He opens the cell door with a key, Rudiger runs up to Varian's shoulder and Varian follows the missing eye guy. As soon as they leave the castle Varian leaves the Group of prisoners and goes back to Old Corona.
He gets to his house before stopping and hiding. All the black crystals were gone but guards were guarding his house. Varian looks at Rudiger. He smirks and said to Rudiger "Ok Rudiger, I have an important thing for you to do." Rudiger looks up too Varian and Varian continues "I need you to distract the guards, so that I can go inside." Rudiger shakes his head and Varian said "Please! Once I'm inside you can follow me!" Rudiger signs before nodding and running off towards the guards. Varian watches him to see him steal all the guard's keys. Varian smirks and all of them expect one chase after the raccoon.
The young alchemist sneaks in past the guard. He quietly makes his way to where his dad was stuck in the crystal. He walks up to it to only see it was hidden behind a big grey cloth. Varian frowns before grabbing the cloth and removing it. He looks at the crystal, and it paralyzed him. He hasn't seen it in quite a while, he forgot what it looked like to see his dad inside the crystal still as though he was dead. He hits his hand against the rocks and starts to vow "I'll make you proud and get you out of these rocks and-" He bangs his head against the rock and he mumbles "Who am I kidding, I'm just a kid who already tried and failed. Multiple times..."
He hears something quickly looks up too see those strange black rocks make a pathway to a room. He follows the rocks slowly, they go into the ground after he passed them and he goes into a room. He sees a photo of his parents and him as a baby. He smiles at that before bringing his attention to the wall where the dark crystals want him to go. He walks up to the wall to see it could be easily broken. He breaks the wall easily and he pulls a chest out. He takes everything out the chest and looks at everything. Most of the things had a symbol; a circle with three lines.

Rapunzel wakes up early and walks out of her room. She sees loads of guards running around the kingdom. She walks to find her dad to be in the planning room(???) with the head guard. Rapunzel ask them "What's going on?" Her father turns to her and said "All of the prisoners broke out." Rapunzel gasp. She ask "How can I help?" The King replies "Just staying in your room, being safe and sound." Rapunzel said "But dad! I can help! Let me help please!" Her father sighs before turning to her. He said "Ok, go to Old Corona and check to see if anything is unusual." Rapunzel smiles and said "Okay!" The King watches her leave and signs, Old Corona had some guards since Varian attack them, he hoped that his daughter
would be safe.
Rapunzel walked to Old Corona, she didn't bring Cassandra or Eugene with her. Pascal was on her should and she tells him "We can take care of ourselves!" He rolls his eyes and she said "I just want to show them I can do things by myself!" They soon get to Old Corona and she looks around. All of the black rocks were gone thanks to her. She smiles, remembering that her dad said that all of the prisoners escape. She went to Varian's house. She sees guards their and a flash of black and white. She ask them "Has anything unusal happen?" One of the guards said "No, well expect when a raccoon stole our keys." When the guard said raccoon first thing that came in mind was Varian. She ask "Well.... I'm going to go inside the buildings and no one is too follow me."
She walks inside the house to see Rudiger inside a room, she walks inside the room and said "Hi Rudiger." Rudiger sees her and runs under a chair. She signs before seeing a chest and surrounding it was random things, some of the things had a symbol on it. A circle with three lines. She walks close to it before hearing a sneeze. She looks at Pascal as he points his tail to a hole in a wall, she could barely see someone hiding inside it. 'Varian' she thought. She walks up to the hole before grabbing his arm and pulling him out. He made a small yelp when she grabbed him, he was covered in dust.
Varian glares at her before saying "Rapunzel." She looks into his eyes to catch the tiniest hint of relief. Rapunzel said "I thought you'll be here." He tries to get out of her grasp but fails. She ask him "What's with the chest?" He said "I..... I don't know." He looks down. Rapunzel signs before letting go of his arm. Rudiger comes out of under the chair and runs up to Varian's shoulder. Varian looks at her and he snaps "And so let me guess! You're going too bring me back today Corona and be the hero!" Rapunzel was going too do that originally but she said "No......" Surprise appear on his face, but it suddenly was replaced with disbelief. He said "Sure, and the moment I turn around your going to tell!" Rapunzel protested "No! I won't! Varian..... The castle was in danger, I couldn't leave the people of Corona without a leader while they needed one!" Rapunzel took a deep breath in before saying "I promise I won't tell anyone about you." Varian looked at the chest, then into the other room where his father was stuck. Varian said "Sorry, but I still don't trust you." Rapunzel looked at his father. She continued "Varian-" She was stopped by Varian and he said "I don't want to hear your sorrys or promises. I didn't come here to talk to you." Rapunzel ask "Then why did you come here?" Varian admitted "I thought that I could help my dad...." He pause before continuing "I had Rudiger trick the guards to follow him... One of the guards stayed so I sneaked in. I went to the orange amber then the strange black rocks showed me to this room to break this chest." He points to the open chest "out of the wall... Then you found me...." He didn't know why he just told Rapunzel that, wasn't she his enemy? But enemy or not it felt good to talk to another human being.
They both just stared at the chest. Rapunzel smiles and ask "Can I help?" Varian was taken by surprise and he snaps "No! I want to do this alone." Rapunzel frowns, he just told her everything but when she ask for help he refuses. She sighs and said "Please Varian!" Varian glares at her and said "Fine!"

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