Chapter 7

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Almost Done

Varian headed towards his lab, where his father was stuck with Rudiger on his shoulder. He was running their and when he got their he was out of breath. He takes a big breath in and sees their are no guards their. 'Weird', Varian throught. He opens the door to see no one else was inside you step inside and removes the cloth that was covering Varian's father.
He grabs the scroll out. (He handed Cassandra a piece of paper with the missing pieces of the other scroll.) He didn't know the words but he recognized the words to be another language that was known. He pulls out a book and flips through the pages. The book helped him translate the scroll and it said loads of things but none of the things really interest him.
He was about to leave before getting an idea. He grabs the potion that trapped his dad and the tiny piece of the black rock. He sees the sword is still on the ground and he looks for another black rock. He couldn't find any of dark rocks so he went with option B. Trying to make the dark rocks grow. He did it once before.... Escaping from the people who kidnapped him. He takes another deep breath and tries to focus. It was hard but he did make a dark rock appear.
He smiles before grabbing the sword and cutting the rock in two. He grabs the piece that was cut off and grabs it, his hair glows but it didn't bother him this time. He grabs the sword again and cuts the broken piece of rock into other smaller pieces until one fit perfectly into his hand.
He walks to his alchemy table, trying to create a reverse potion. When he finished he walks up to the crystal that imprison his dad with the potion in his hand, getting ready to pour it on.
When Rapunzel, Cassandra, Eugene, Pascal, and Maximus get to the castle they notice Varian wasn't with them. Cassandra said "I told you guys that he would leave us!" She gets out the scroll he gave her and to only find the missing pieces of the other scroll they already had, and a blank piece of paper.
Rapunzel said "I bet their is a good explanation to this!" Eugene said "Sure! Like when he tried to kill us all??" Rapunzel said "Well..... Their was a explanation to that one.... Just not a good one." Cassandra said "When I-" She was cut off by the guards and Cassandra father said "You been gone for about a day, what happen to you?" Rapunzel said "My dad and mom should hear this." The guards nods and takes them to the King and Queen.
Rapunzel explains what had happen. Her father said "You found Varian but then he disappeared?" Cassandra, Eugene, and Rapunzel nod. The Queen and the King whisper to each other, thinking of what they should do.
The King said "We are still missing prisoners and we are almost out of guards," Rapunzel sighs, every since the jail break their were hardly any guards too protect Corona, Old Corona, and the Castle. They were either training, protecting, or looking. The King continued, "So I will ask you three to look for Varian." Cassandra, Eugene, and Rapunzel were taken by surprised.
Rapunzel nods and said "We won't let you down. Thank you dad." She smiles before hugging him.
Rapunzel, Cassandra, and Eugene grabs stuff to go to Old Corona. They suspected Varian to be their. Pascal sighs, wanting a moment of rest. Rapunzel said to Pascal "Come on Pascal! After this we can rest." Pascal sighs and he rolls his eyes, he looks at Rapunzel, smiles and nods. Rapunzel smiles and picks up Pascal and puts him on her shoulder. She said "Let's go!" She walks to Maximus, where they were meeting.
Cassandra was grabbing a knife incase she needed it. Owl rolls her eyes and flys onto Cassandra's shoulder. Cassandra said "You always have to be prepared." She puts the small knife into her pocket and goes to Maximus.
They all got to Maximus and Rapunzel ask "Are you guys ready?" Eugene ask "Why are we making this such a big deal? We are just trying to find a kid who is super smart and has tried to kill us." Cassandra rolls her eyes and ask "Did you just go to your room to fix your hair?" Eugene rolls his eyes and said "No! I went to my room to fix my hair AND I also got this." He shows Cassandra a new frying pan and some food. He said "We don't know if we will get hungry." Cassandra rolls her eyes and goes and gets Fidello. When Cassandra gets back on Fidello's back Rapunzel said "Let's go!" Rapunzel and Eugene gets on Maximus and all seven of them ride to Old Corona.
Varian is hesitant about pouring the potion over the orange crystal. He keeps thinking 'What happens if it doesn't do anything? Or it destroys the crystal with my dad in it?' He knew he was making up excuses. The real thing he was afraid of was disappointing his dad about what he did when his dad was in the crystal.
Varian sighs, knowing that their should be no excuses. He walks over to the orange crystal with (hopefully) the potion to get his dad out of his crystal. He pours the potion over the orange crystal, fear and excitement fills his mind. He looks as the crystal starts too turn to ash.
After it was done on the ground was a pile of ashes, his dad, a table, and a note. He runs up to his dad and ask "Dad?!" Quirin looks up at his son, before saying "Varian." Varian smiles and said "Dad!" Tears filling Varian's eyes, he hugs his dad. Quirin hugs Varian for a few seconds before breaking the hug and asking "What happen Varian?" Varian stays quiet and Quirin sits up, looking into Varian's eyes.
Varian opens his mouth to speak but was cut off by Rapunzel, Eugene, and Cassandra coming into the room. Rapunzel, Eugene, and Cassandra gasp, Rapunzel saying "Quirin?"

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