Chapter 15

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The Moondrops' Rocks

Varian and Cassandra walks up the horse stables. Varian said "So the surprise is horse riding?" Cassandra said "Well everyone knows how to ride a horse." She looks at him and said "Right?" Varian laughs nervously and scratches the back of his head, he said "Yea.... It's just most of my life when I'm on my free time I'm either doing alchemy or reading. And so I never ridden a horse before...." Cassandra sighs and said "Then we are going to learn how to ride horses." Varian quickly looks at Rudiger before looking at Cassandra.
Varian walks up to the horse before saying "You sure we can ride?" Cassandra nods before showing him to a smokey grey horse. Cassandra hands him a carrot and said "Give it to the horse." Varian nods and hands it to the smokey grey horse, the horse takes it from Varian's hand and he smiles. Varian pets the horse and he ask Cassandra "What's his name?" Cassandra said "His name is Storm." Varian smiles lightly and Cassandra said "Let's get to riding."
Rapunzel walks up to Varian and Cassandra to see Varian and Cassandra riding. She ask Cassandra "How is everything going?" Cassandra said "I'm trying to teach Varian how to ride, and.......he gotten okay...." Rapunzel giggles and said "He can't be that bad." Cassandra said "He isn't, it's just that he doesn't know to stop the horse, and-" They both hear a yelp from Varian to see him in some hay, and the smokey grey horse looking at him. He gets up and laughs nervously while brushing off some hay. Rapunzel ask "Why is he riding Storm." Cassandra said "I know he is the newest horse but all of the other horses were taken...." Rapunzel said "And." Cassandra said "No one really rides him so I don't think anyone can complain."
Varian lays on his bed, it's been a week since Cassandra (and with some help from Rapunzel) taught him how to ride a horse. The King has gotten better and has taken duties back time his whole hands, he didn't lock up Varian. He sees Rudiger at the window and he opens the window. Rudiger comes in with a little box wrapped around Rudiger's front left arm. Varian unwraps the box and he ask "What is it Rudiger?" Rudiger just shrugs and Varian opens it. It was a necklace with the dark stone. He touches it and his blue streak hair glows, he stops touches it and it falls. He wonders why he got it and who gave it to him. He looks for a note but doesn't find it. He grabs the necklace and puts it in a drawer. He frowns before going to a table and looking at this scroll.
He was trying to translate it, he found it in the library and it had a sun and moon on it. He was curious if it could tell him more about the sundrop and the moondrop. He looks out the window to see the moon high in the sky, he mumbles "It must be near midnight." Varian looks at Rudiger to see him soundly asleep. He smiles at his trustful companion. He rolls the scroll up before putting it in the same drawer where the crustal necklace is and he closes the drawer. He gets into his bed before going to sleep.
Rapunzel was wandering around a dark forest, it gave her the chills. As she walks forward she sees a river. As she bends down to get some water she was suddenly falling. She screams before hitting the bottom, nothing hurt, 'weird' she thought. She looked around to see a cave filled with writing, and some with pphoto. She gets up to only see the dark crystal rocks start to glow around her, she gasped before looking at the cave confusingly before seeing a figure behind her in the dark, she tries to look closely at the figure before waking up, her hair was glowing but it wasn't floating. She looks around the room before getting up and looking for Eugene and Cassandra to tell her dream to.
Rapunzel finds Eugene and Cassandra bickering about flowers. She walks over to them and said "Hi guys." Eugene said "Will you tell Cassandra that I didn't destroy the flower gardening!" Rapunzel said "Guys, I didn't come here to hear y'all two fight." Cassandra said "What do you want Rapunzel?" Rapunzel said "Remember when I said those dreams about the rocks stopped." Eugene and Cassandra said at the same time "Yea?" Rapunzel said "Well I just had another one." Eugene raises an eyebrow and ask "Tells us what happened in the dream, for all we could know it's just a regular dream." Rapunzel nods and explains what happened in her dream.
Rapunzel finishes "And when I woke up my hair was glowing, but at least it wasn't floating." Cassandra ask "And you didn't see the person's face, nothing that you saw that is unusal?" Rapunzel thinks back and shakes her head and said "All I remember is the person in shadows, wearing a cloak..... and having the dark tiny crystal on a necklace, but I can't see the person's face." Eugene said "Who wears a necklace with a tiny dark crystal on it?" They all seemed confused since no one had anything to do with the rocks, well expect Rapunzel and Varian. Rapunzel sighs and said "Of couse when things are getting back to normal something has too come and make things not normal again." Eugene said to Rapunzel "Its ok Rapunzel, we all go through it, it's a part of life." Rapunzel smiles at Eugene and he smiles back. Cassandra said "Through I have to agree to Rapunzel, it would be wonderful too have a few more days off before having to worry about anything else."
Before long Varian opens the window to Rudiger, Rudiger kept bring him stuff. It was a letter and Varian knows what it is the second he lays eyes on it. The letter his dad wrote to him in the crystal. He never had time to read it and Rudiger gives it to him. He closes the window and jumping onto his bed, Rudiger climbing onto his shoulder before reading the letter.

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