Chapter 10

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A Knock

Quirin sat in a chair, he hears a knock at the door and walks to the door to see Clarissa. He ask harshly "What do you want Clarissa?" Clarissa ask "How is our son?" Quirin glares at her and said "Why do you care about him now? You abandoned him when he was a 4!" Quirin ask "Why are you here?" Clarissa said "Ethan found about the boy." Quirin said "And you think I care? He is your problem." Clarissa said "The group knows about our secret of the moondrop..." Quirin turns to her and ask "Did you tell them!?" Hostility fills his voice. She shakes her head and explains "They know when one gets a power."
Varian sits down on the floor and hears someone opens the dungeon door and sees Rapunzel. He ask "What do you want?" Rapunzel said "I'm going to help you escape." Varian ask "And why would you do that?" Rapunzel grabs some keys and opens the cell door and said "Because I believe you changed." She walks up to him and helps Varian up. He smiles at her before following her. He ask "What about the guards." She smiles and opens the door to show Cassandra guarding. Cassandra said "This is a bad idea Rapunzel." Rapunzel doesn't listen and shows Varian too a secret passage way.
Varian, Rapunzel, and Cassandra gets out of Corona, he ask her "Where are we going?" Rapunzel said "To see your dad." Varian stops, Rapunzel said "What's the problem?" Varian said ", he never came to see me..." Tears were starting to come down his face, Cassandra sighs and said "King Frederic never let your dad see you." Varian seems surprised and he ask "Why?" Cassandra said "I don't know." He looks at Rapunzel expecting her to know but she said "No idea." He nods and follows them to his house.
They are a few feet away from the house Varian sees his dad and a women. He ask "Who is she?" Cassandra grabs her sword and said "Lets see." Rapunzel turns to Varian and said "We will stay here, Varian." Varian nods and Cass ask Rapunzel "Why are we staying here?" Rapunzel said "He shouldn't be in any danger and plus Quirin is their and I think Quirin can take care of Varian and himself."
Varian walks closer to the two adults and he calls out "Dad?" Quirin turns to him and ask "Varian?" Varian smiles and runs up to his dad, Quirin smiles and ask "How are you out of jail?" Varian said "The princess sneaked me out." Varian takes one glance at the women and he gasp, he said "You!" His eyes widen in fear and he hides behind Quirin. Everything looked the same about her EXPECT her hair, it was brown and up in a bun. Quirin ask Varian "How do you know her?" Clarissa frowns and Varian basically whispers "She was with the people who kidnapped me." Quirin raises his eyebrow and he glares at Clarissa and he harshly said "You abandoned him and then you the group kidnap him and you did nothing about it!" Clarissa said "How am I pose to know what our son looks like? I haven't seen him in 11 years!" Varian ask "What do you mean by son?"
Quirin glares at Clarissa and said "Varian... This is your mother." Varian eyes widen again but in surprise and he said "But...but.... You told me mother was dead....." Quirin looks at the ground and said "She was dead to me." Varian looks at his mother, as Clarissa said "I'm sorry Varian." She looks back at him. He stands closer to his father, not knowing what to think about his mother.
Cassandra then said to Rapunzel "What is the King going to think about this!" Rapunzel said "Huh?" Cassandra said "I let you take Varian! I was spouse to guard him! I should of thought this through. I think we should head back with him." Rapunzel said "But Cassandra! My dad is being unfair of not allowing ANYONE to speak to him. I disagree with you Cassandra." Cassandra looks at Rapunzel's face, Cassandra sighs and said "True but-" Rapunzel cuts her off and said "He might be the King but I'm the princess and your friend. You'll do anything for me but everyone else.... You won't...." Cassandra puts her hand on Rapunzel shoulder and said "It's because your my friend, and I trust you, everyone else.... I don't." Cassandra looks off into the distance, into a memory. Rapunzel smiles at Cassandra and hugs Cassandra.
Varian looks back at his mother, he thought he would meet her again in death, not in life. Clarissa said "I'm sorry Varian." Varian looks away, he didn't know why she was apologizing. Quirin looks at Clarissa and said "I think it is time for you to leave." Clarissa said "Fine. They know about his powers, Quirin." When Clarissa leaves Varian looks at Quirin and ask "What does she mean?" Quirin kneels down to Varian and he said "Nothing." Varian nods, through he silently disagrees before hugging his father.
Cassandra and Rapunzel see the women leave and Cassandra said "Let's go follow her." Rapunzel ask "What about Quirin and Varian?" Cassandra said "Come on!" She grabs Rapunzel's hand and drags Rapunzel to follow Clarissa.
Varian sees Rapunzel and Cassandra leave, he thinks that they must be going back to the castle. He walks inside his house with his father.
Cassandra and Rapunzel notices that Clarissa leads them to the people who kidnapped Varian. Rapunzel mumbles "This place again." Cassandra grabs her sword and said "We are going to know what this group, tribe, village, or whatever you want to call them wants!" Rapunzel grabs Cassandra's hand and said "I don't think we should Cassandra, we are outnumbered." Cassandra rolls her eyes and said "Fine..." They go back together the castle, only to find the King looking for them, 'Great' Cassandra thinks.

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