Chapter 17

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He comes into the shadows and smirks. Varian eyes narrow and he almost yells "You killed my father!" James just chuckles and said "Who do you mean?" Varian said "You killed Quirin." James chuckles again and said "Oh. Him, then yes I did kill him." James looks at Varian and then Rapunzel, he said "You must be Rapunzel. I thought you would look more elegant, maybe not doing dirty work." Rapunzel said "I don't have to be like all those other princess." James said "No you don't." He walks around the two and he said "and it seems that you have found my cave." Varian said "You can't own a cave! And you are messing with dangerous stuff here." James chuckles again and said "Do you honestly think that I didn't get help to put that curse on the rocks?" Rapunzel's and Varian's eyes widen.
Varian said "B-but you don't know science?" James nods and said "But that doesn't mean I can get a witch to help me." He walks towards Varian as Varian takes a step back and James said "and Varian, it isn't science, it's magic." Varian said "Magic doesn't exist." James chuckles and said "Of couse it does, Rapunzel's and your power is proof." Varian said "No! I-it's science!" James said "And to think a descendant of Lord Demanitus would believe in magic."
Rapunzel said "What?" She didn't know if James was lying or not. James chuckles again and said "You honestly didn't link the two together? Varian is smart and so was Lord Demanitus." He stops and said "Not even close to smart! Way above smart. More like a genius." James smirks and Varian said "I-I don't believe you!"
James said "Your father is a descendant of Lord Demanitus, and most likely your mother. It wouldn't be a surprise, most of the group is descendants. Some non descendants in the group though. Think about it Varian, your father didn't want you to know about it. Your a genius, and you have magic or powers. Whatever it is, and that would be so hard to get one thing like Lord Demanitus, but two things like Lord Demanitus? Well that's no chance that you aren't."
Varian said though clenched teeth "And let me guess, you want something." James laughs before saying "See your right! I want you to help me destroy all of Corona and Team Eclipse." Varian snaps "And why would I help you?" James said "Well I have a princess here that you care for as a friend. And I have rocks that are cursed. You already have seen what it's like in their. I could just make the princess go through it again and again, till she is broken." He smirks and Rapunzel said "Varian don't do it!" Varian looks at James, his eyes were slightly widen and he said "I-I-I." James said "It's a yes or no."
Varian said "Fine!" James smirks as Rapunzel said "Why are you doing this? What about the person who cast the spell on the rocks?" James glares at Rapunzel and said "I want to see the world burn, I thought I could do it with Eclipse but I can't. I guess I can do it with a genius. And the witch? Well she can't create battle plans, and she died when she did the curse." Rapunzel said "Varian don't do this! Thousands of innocent people will die." Varian doesn't look at Rapunzel and said "I already made my choice, and why should I care? They never helped me in my time of need." Rapunzel's eyes widen and James smiles and said "Good, Varian." He places his hands on Varian, Varian slightly flinches. Rapunzel couldn't believe this was happing.
Eugene and Cassandra meet up in the same place where they split into differnt groups. Eugene ask "Have you seen Rapunzel and Varian?" Cassandra shakes her head and they hear a rustle before seeing Pascal and Rudiger coming out of the bushes. Eugene said "Where's Rapunzel?" Pascal makes a noise and he runs off with Rudiger following him. Eugene and Cassandra follows the two creatures to where Rapunzel, Varian, and James were.
Rapunzel tugs at the chains around her hands. James chained her to a rock so she couldn't chase after him and Varian. She stops and said "Why do I have to trust everyone?" She feels tears go down her face and she said "I hope Corona can fight them." Though she thinks 'Who am I kidding, they barely couldn't fight Varian without her. And also two people? Will they stand a chance. And can I even still beat Varian? He has a reaction to the rocks and I bet he can control them like I can.'
Rapunzel sighs before hearing footsteps, she looks up to see Pascal, Rudiger, Eugene, and Cassandra. Rapunzel said happily "Eugene! Cassandra! Pascal!" Rudiger makes a chirp (I don't know what sounds Raccoons makes) and Rapunzel giggles while saying "And Rudiger. Now can one of y'all help me out of the chains." Eugene said "Done!" as he looks at the chains, he said "I haven't seen these types of chains in a while! Their very old and isn't used around in Corona." Rapunzel said "Let's go." Cassandra ask "Where is Varian?" Concern fills her voice and Rapunzel fills them in. Cassandra said "He might not be on his side Rapunzel." Rapunzel said "We have to go, we still have Corona to save." Eugene sighs and said "Let's go." They all nod and follow the way James and Varian took.

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