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Days pass by and boxes get packed. When they had gone to check out the apartment complex, they had quickly discovered they liked it very much. That day they had bought an apartment there. It was more like a pent house but they'd call it an apartment as a way to ground themselves. Something Yoongi had always fear is the fame getting to his head, so for the sake of his sanity he had started that. The next two days was filled with items put in cardboard boxes, lots a back pain and reminiscing everything. A lot had happened in this apartment and suddenly the two weren't sure if they wanted to leave it behind.

The apartment was where Yoongi learned so many things about himself. He'd learned how love others and himself in there. He'd gain the confidence to ask Taehyung to be his boyfriend there. Taehyung proposed to him there. Countless songs were written. To Yoongi, almost all of the important things that had happened in his life happened in that apartment. But he knew he couldn't hold onto to where those moments happen for forever. He'd have to let it go, in order to find a new place to make new memories. That didn't mean moving hurt any less of course.

Taehyung was torn too. While not as many things happened for him in the apartment, it still took up a large amount of his life. He'd had both the happiest and the saddest moments of his life in it, and now suddenly he was leaving it. For him it almost happened too fast. For a moment he felt overwhelmed, but then he remembered to make new memories you have to leave the old behind. With a deep breath, he was ready to move on. Plus, he had Yoongi by his side. That's all he could ever need in the end.

Walking into the new place, it was quickly filled with new boxes. Namjoon And Seokjin has come to help unpack and put together new furniture. For some reason, they had kept the couch from the last apartment. When Namjoon asked why Yoongi simply explained "I actually had it in the apartment me and Jimin used to share, and since it seemed to still be in great condition I figured I'd take it. The decision was both practical and for the sake of remembering where it all started." Namjoon nodded, laughing slightly at his hyung for being so sentimental. It was funny how a guy who pretends to be so tough and manly was this sentimental with a couch of all things.

After a long of unpacking the oldest two made dinner. The two conversed about Seokjin's job and how him and Namjoon were looking into adoption. "We only just started and I doubt we'll get any good news soon. I knew the adoption process was long but it's longer than I thought." Seokjin confesses. "But in the end it's worth it right?" Yoongi says, trying be the encouraging one for once. Seokjin nods, smiling as well. "You're right, Joon and I are still impatient however." The two laugh and Yoongi pats his hyung on the back. "I know you two are ready for something like that though. You already go out of your ways just to take care of all of us, I'm surprised it took you so long to finally try and become parents." Yoongi says.

"Well, when you get a kid your life isnt really yours anymore. It's all theirs once they're under your custody. With you guys, sure we were parent like but in the end we still had all the time in the world. Soon we're going to give up full nights of sleep, days off, and almost all our peaceful moments. Of course I'm not complaining, after I moved to the maternity ward I've just wanted to be a parent. It sounds tough but in the end I get to see my child smile and laugh. I don't even know them and I already love them so much Yoongi, it's crazy." At the end Seokjin laughs at himself, but his smile is full of adoration.

At dinner they talk about work for most of the time. Namjoon And Hoseok are working on new tracks for their next comeback. "Actually that reminds me hyung, me and Hoseok hyung were thinking it's time for the fourth cypher. Do you think you'd want to join in on that?" Namjoon asks and Yoongi laughs. "Do you really think I'd say no to dissing someone in a cypher? Hell yea I want to join in on that!" Yoongi tells him. Namjoon nods, smiling at the thought of working with Yoongi again. Seokjin tells them about all the crazy things going on at the hospital. "It's crazy what people name their kids nowadays. There's children named after jello flavors out there. Those poor kids." Seokjin sighs but goes on to mention the adoption to Taehyung. The youngest squeals at the mention of the two having a kid. "I can't wait to babysit! You two are going to be great parents, I already know it. You guys give the best advice, Jin hyung you're a cooking god and Namjoon you can easily help them with your English! By the time they go to college they'll be extremely prepared." Namjoon And Seokjin laugh at how confident the youngest is in them, then explaining they still have a lot to learn.

"I've been working on this song actually." Yoongi starts before pausing for a moment. "But there's a problem I keep running into. I don't know how but I keep hearing all seven of us take part in singing it." He explains. "It's not fully written yet, I've only got a few versus and the chorus but in the end I still can't help but hear everyone at one point sing it." The table is quiet for a moment before Seokjin speaks up. "Well what's it about?" He asks. "Well, it's like a long distance friendship. On one end you just want to see them again but sometimes you just get so angry that they're gone at the moment." The three of them all nod, each quickly figuring out where his inspiration may have come from.

"Actually I had written part of it while I was gone, although I'm sure they're not that great." Namjoon hums. "I'd be glad to work on a song with you again." He says. "To be fair I've always wanted to do a song with you." Taehyung confesses. Seokjin stays quiet, although you could tell he was thinking about what to say. "Yea, I'd love to work on a song with you. It sounds fun." He says. Yoongi can't help the smile that forms on his face. "I'll see what the other three say before I show the lyrics." They all nod but don't miss the hopeful glint in Yoongi's eyes.

After dinner Namjoon And Seokjin decide its time to leave. They bid the two fair well before they leave, wishing them luck on what's to come in life. After the two are gone, Taehyung and Yoongi ready for bed. As they lay on they're brand new bed the two enjoy the others presence. Yoongi looks at the ring on his hand humming in thought. "We're going to need to start planning for the wedding soon." He says and Taehyung hums in response. "You're right but right now let's enjoy the calmness of life." Yoongi laughs but does so anyways.
I was thinking about their song move a lot as I wrote this. I had fun writing the chapter which is something I haven't had happen in a while actually. I dunno, maybe I'm starting to pick up writing again? Who knows.

I love you all

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