Prologue -2

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It was months after what happened. Lithuania was still unconscious for the whole time, only giving small signs that he was still alive. Maybe he should have been dead? Poland would never allow that thought into his head, or maybe he never wanted to allow it.

No one knew what happened, no one wanted to talk about it. One day he got a call that Lithuania was in the hospital

... dying...

He hurried as fast as he could to see him for the last time, but then, then something happened. He survived. He survived! He was in terrible condition, many bones broken, he was bruised and cut by someone. His throat was cut... The doctors told Feliks that if he ever wakes up, then he most probably will never be able to speak again.

If he wakes up... that was something that Poland had hopes for. To see his partner's eyes looking at him again. Feliks got used to the thought that Toris would not be able to speak ever again, now the only thing that mattered was that he would actually wake up, that life would go on. And he would help him no matter what.

...If he only wakes up...

After months, Lithuania's wounds were healing fast and soon enough, only scars were left after them, reminding Feliks of how terrible he looked before, when they only found him.

Poland would talk to Lithuania a lot, maybe because he was there every day and he almost never went outside. He needed someone to talk to. When he did, he would talk about complete nonsense, describe how the world looked like outside or remembering the very old past where the two of them were happy and together. He would cry a lot. Feliks was sure that Toris would not hear him. Would he even be able to listen?

He did. Lithuania really did listen. He wanted to wake up but something was stopping him.

The sky was gray, the rain was pouring outside, hitting on the single glass window that was located in the room. The room was a bit dark, Feliks never bothered to turn the lights on. Should he leave? Go back to his own country? The chances of Lithuania waking up were small. But what if he leaves and Lithuania wakes up then?

...He would be scared... lonely...

No. He has to stay. Feliks slept little and now he felt the urge to rest, his eyes were closing by themselves. Before he managed to do anything, he was sound asleep on the plastic chair that he was sitting on. He slept for a long time before waking up, his neck hurting a lot. Poland did not dream about anything, he hasn't dreamt for a long time now. Not after World War 2. From then on, he was scared to even fall asleep in the fear of all of the memories of those terrible times coming back to him. Lithuania would comfort him but now

... now he was alone...

He again passed hours and hours just sitting in one place, looking at the white floor, his mind blank, unable to concentrate on anything. That was how it always went, from time to time he would get up and look out of the window. It was cold outside, the streets were empty, the rain made puddles in the middle of the streets that were empty of cars. He opened the window and suck out his hand in hopes of getting rain on his palm, it always calmed him. After trying for a while, he finally took back his hand and closed the window before going back to his own seat and looking at the floor once more. He did not feel anything, no sadness, no hope, he forgot how to. That day he did not feel like even opening his mouth, Poland just wanted to hide somewhere far, far away and never come back, it was slowly becoming too much for him and he was growing more and more aware of it himself... he would not stand this for much longer... Where was all of the hope that filled his heart up for the past months, made him want to keep going? It was gone, was there a point in even trying anymore? Staying here every day to do the same over and over again?

He got out of the chair and wanted to walk out of there as fast as he could but before he could get to the door, he slumped to the floor crying. No. He could not leave Lithuania. He was just not capable of doing it. Toris needed him, he cannot give up. He screamed as loud as he could, knowing that no one would hear him anyway. Feliks did not even care to get up, he sat there, unable to move, unable to stop crying. He wanted to give up but he could not. It just wasn't right. After all the two of them went through, after the time Lithuania was in a very similar situation as Poland was now. At that time, Poland got better because Lithuania was next to him. Then why would it not happen again? Poland did not want to be alone again, he knew how it felt and he was scared of being alone ever again. Lithuania had to be next to him, he just had to.

...He had to get better...

That day he cried himself to sleep in the very place where he was sitting, not caring about anyone that may even come by to check on how Lithuania was doing. Feliks wanted to be with him, he wanted him to get better. What would happen if he didn't wake up? Where would he go?

... Death...

That was his answer. If Toris cannot be next to him in this life, then Feliks will just have to find him in the next one.


Hello! After writing some happy stuff in my other FanFic I felt a need to write something sad. That poem in the chapter before was probably the first poem I wrote in my life that did not sound bad...  Anyway, I hope you enjoy this... Let's see how this goes...

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