Chapter 2

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Cover in media made by: _Jikko

My mom couldn't care less about what I was into. I could tell her I was going to jump off of the Sydney Bridge and into the water and she'd still say 'go ahead' or 'be safe'. Yeah, as if I'd survive a fall like that. I'd die just from the impact. Not to mention I'm not the best swimmer there is, so even if I didn't die from hitting the water, I'd surely drown within seconds.

So I told my mom that night about the road trip, and I earned a grunt of some kind of approval from her. So I guess I can notify Ashton.

I ran up to my room and jumped onto my bed. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and immediately began to dial Ashton

After two rings he finally picked up. "Y'ello?"

"Purple," I said, gaining a snort from him.

"That's pathetic."

"Then don't make colors the first thing to say when answering my calls. Anyway, my mom said yeah. To the vacation, I mean."

"I expected an okay. Anyway, we're leaving tomorrow morning at eleven. We're meeting up at my place. Don't be late!"

"If it means I'll be out of the house, then I'm showing up an hour early. What do I bring? Just clothes?"

"Uh, yeah. We were planning on stopping by at a lake to swim at, but..." He trailed off, because I knew he didn't want to say what else was on his mind.

"Yeah, I know," I sighed. "I'll bring clothes and some shower stuff as well."

"Great! Okay, I need to pack. I just got my bag out of the closet. Call you tomorrow!"

"Okay, see ya." Then we ended the call and I set my phone on the nightstand by my bed. It's a good thing Ashton lives close by, or else I'd have to bug my mom to take me to his place, and I know how much my mom doesn't like driving me around.

I went to my closet and pulled out a bag to stuff my things in. I threw in about four outfits, because that should be plenty of clothes for the trip. I decided to get the bathroom supplies in the morning, because I need them tomorrow.

When all my clothes were in the bag, I went downstairs and saw that there was a dinner plate, wrapped up. I walked over to it and took off the clear wrapping. This is how my mom gives me food: wraps it up and sets it on the table. It gets cold, so I have to heat it up in the microwave.

Honestly, would it kill if my mom could make some effort of trying to spend time with her only son? Guess so.

Once the food was heated up, I took it up to my room. I set it down on my computer desk, and immediately went on my laptop.

I was on Facebook when I noticed that there was a friend request for me. I opened it up and looked to see who sent it to me.

Some guy name Calum Hood.

I clicked on the name to see who this Calum was before I do any accepting.

I saw his profile picture and there was a guy with his arm hooked around another guy, and I recognized the two right away.

It was Luke and Caleb. Well, it's Calum now.

This guy's Luke's friend. But why would he send me a friend request?

Oh, I see now. Luke probably wants to use his account to torment me over the internet as well. But Calum never did anything to me. It was always Luke. Sure, he'd laugh at the idiot's stupid jokes- if I can even call them that, because they just suck that badly- but never had Calum did anything.

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