Chapter 21

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AN: The dirty.

Calum didn't go crazy, thank God for that, but when we walked through the door the first thing he did was spring out of his seat and hug the life out of Ashton. Then the four of us went to sit down at the booth that Calum came from.

Luke and I sat with each other on one side while Calum and Ashton sat on the other side. There was food already displayed on the table, so whatever was there we ate it. Nothing interesting happened, other than casual talk and occasional displays of affection from Luke to me.

"So, who are going to move rooms?" Ashton asked.

I raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"Well, tonight I"m rooming with you and Luke's rooming with Calum. So, is it you and Calum or me and Luke who will move rooms?"

... Oh, that's right. Calum's stupid buddy arrangement. I guess we're still going with that, huh?

I glanced over at Luke and he was just simply drinking his water, ignoring us all. Then I looked at Calum and he was looking down at his lap.

"Actually, Ash," he began to say, "is it okay if we forget about the buddy arrangement?"

"Huh?" Ashton had a confused look his face. "You were the one who thought it up."

"Yeah, but it was just so everyone could become friends, and I think it's safe to say that we are all friends now. I mean, Luke and Mikey don't hate each other anymore, and that's good."

"So... who are going to room together?"

"How about... you and I room and Luke and Mikey room together until we get home?"

Ashton's eyes widened a bit and he leaned away from Calum a bit. His eyes landed on me and he opened his mouth to speak. "A-Are you okay with this new arrangement, Mikey?"

"I don't care who I room with, honestly," I answered. "As long as I get a bed to sleep in."

Ashton picked up his cup of water and said to Luke before drinking it, "What about you, Luke?"

"I prefer this arrangement," Luke spoke up, setting his water down. "I get to sleep with green bean for more nights."

"He means the same room," I told Ashton.

Luke smirked before he chuckled, "Yeah, I meant that, too." Ashton's head abruptly leaned forward and water was literally dripping from his mouth. Calum pointed at him and laughed while Luke was pressed against the backrest of his seat, smirking at Ashton's reaction. I rested my elbow on the table and covered my eyes with my hand, shaking my head.

What the hell is wrong with Luke?


"See you two in the morning!" Calum chirped.

"Night, you two," Ashton yawned.

"Good night," I said.

"Bye," Luke murmured. Then the four of us went to the rooms we were going to sleep in tonight.

So, guess who I'm rooming with tonight?



We decided to stick with the buddy arrangement, and I was quite relieved with that, because if I had to room with Luke tonight, then I don't know what would happen in one of our beds.

Ashton and Luke switched rooms, so they had to gather their belongings and bring them to the room they were going to stay in tonight.

Ashton and I went into our room and he tossed his things on his bed.

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