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Days later we finally made it back to Sydney in one piece, thank God for that. We encountered a lot of problems on the way back.

The car broke down once and we were stuck on the side of the road for three hours until someone finally came around to help us. Also Ashton almost got us into a car crash, thanks to Calum who was distracting him while he was driving, but I won't go into detail about how he was being a distraction. Let's just say that Calum really wants some.

Other than those problems Luke and Calum are on perfectly good terms, and I may or may not have accidentally let it slip to Calum that I overheard his talk with Ashton.

Ashton was a little bit upset about that, but Calum told him that it was okay and that I was going to find out eventually. Fortunately for us, our friendship didn't change, and I was really relieved with that. In fact, I think the four of us got even closer with one another.

This trip really changed my life and I'm glad that I went on it. If I didn't, I never would have become friends with Calum and Luke and I would still be in the stage where we threw insults at each other and such. He'd never become my boyfriend.

Never in my lifetime did I ever think that Luke Hemmings and I would get together. A few weeks ago the idea would be disturbing to me, but people change overtime, I suppose.

It was a late Friday night and Ashton pulled the car into his driveway. He finally put the car on park before killing the engine and let out a sigh.

"We're home," he announced, closing his eyes for a brief moment. "What an adventure we all had."

"We should do it again," Calum said, giving Ashton a kiss on the cheek. "Do you need help getting inside, babe?"

"Getting inside you would be nice," Ashton grumbled, earning a slap from Calum. Ashton jolted awake, rubbing sleep from his eyes and started climbing out of the car. Calum was quick to get out first and help Ashton inside his place.

Luke had fallen asleep during the car ride and his head was in my lap, his quiet breathing now the only thing heard.

I ran my fingers through his hair and I'd get him to purr once in a while. I leaned against the headrest of my seat and closed my eyes, just taking in the silence.

"Green bean?" I heard Luke mumble minutes later. I opened my eyes and looked down at him as he stared up at me. "We're back?"

"Yeah," I answered. "We're at Ashton's place." Luke sat upright and rubbed his eyes. He took in the surrounding and then he raised a hand up to his mouth to cover his yawn. He moved closer to me so he could take up more of my lap and then he was back to sleeping.

"Are Cal and Ash inside?" he asked and I nodded, but then I mentally smacked myself in the forehead, because his eyes are closed and he won't see me.

"Yeah, they are," I said.

"Good." He sat upright and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me down with him. I yelped as I ended up on top of him and he gave me a kiss on the cheek. "We're alone together."

"Please don't tell me you're going to do what I think you're going to do."

"Do you really think I'd have sex with you where people could see us?"

"Yes! You make yourself seem like that kind of person!"

Luke chuckled, "You're kind of right."

Catching me by surprise, he attached our lips together and I was wide-eyed at first. My mind was soon able to process what was just happening and I began kissing him back.

No Chance [Muke AU]Where stories live. Discover now