Chapter 5

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"Luke, stop it."

"Come on, it'll be fine."

"No, it won't. Stop."

"I'm doing it, anyway."

"Please, don't."

"I'm going in."

I swear, if those are the words telling me there's going to be sex, then the least they could do is close the door and let me sleep. I don't want to hear their moaning and groaning and all that sex sounds.

I pulled the sheets over my head and groaned, hoping that would get the two to shut up.

Then everything was dead silent. And I was super grateful for that. But it was too quiet. It was an uncomfortable kind of silence. I opened my eyes and I was face-to-face with something that sent me flying out of bed, letting out a scream.

My mind finally processed what it was, and it was that freaking picture of the girl from The Exorcist.

My eyes then went to the person who was holding out the picture.

Of course, it had to be Luke.

He was laughing hysterically and he stuffed his phone into his pocket. I actually hurt my bum, trying to get as far away from the picture as possible.

"Calum, you should've seen the look on the freak's face!" Luke snorted as he slapped his knee, falling onto the ground rather than on my bed. I knew why he'd chosen the ground; he doesn't want 'freak germs all over him'.

"I told you not to," Calum groaned as he walked into the room, pinching the bridge of his nose. "It's seven in the morning. Plus, Ashton's still asleep."

"Not my fault Michael screams like a fucking pussy." I so badly wanted to punch him, but I know better than to get my hand contaminated by his bratiness.

"Since I'm up, I'm going to shower," I sighed, standing up from where I was. I grabbed my clothes from my bag, a towel, and shower supplies and began heading to the restroom. Luke was still laughing, and it was really pissing me off. As much as I wanted to slam the restroom door, I didn't, because I feared I might wake Ashton up. I don't want to be the one waking him up from his slumber.

I turned the water on and waited for it to become the temperature of my liking. Once it was just right I stripped from my pyjamas, threw the towel onto a rack, and stepped into the shower.

Once the water washed over me, I began applying shampoo and conditioner to my hair.

My hair is perfectly fine, don't you guys think? So what if it's a super green? It's my hair, and I can do whatever I want to it. And no one, not even stupid Luke, is going to stop me from doing what I want to do to my hair.

Once I finished cleaning my hair I used body soap to clean the rest of me.

While I was in the shower I began thinking of ways to get back at Luke. There's always the option of dumping milk onto his 'perfect blond hair'. Or I could download an air horn app onto my phone and then play it when he's asleep. Or maybe I could buy some food coloring

I finished showering and shut off the water. I went over to the rack to collect my towel and then used it to dry my hair a bit. Then I used it to dry the rest of my and then place the towel back on the rack. I pulled on my clothes and then grabbed my towel again, wrapping it around my shoulders.

I brushed my teeth once I was fully clothed and ran my fingers through my green hair. I left the restroom and found that Ashton was still asleep, but he had the sheets kicked off of him and he was sprawled out on the bed. Those damn snores were escaping him, and I wanted to just rip that mouth of his off and throw it out the window.

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