Chapter 24

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After breakfast Luke returned to his and Calum's room while Ashton came back to ours.

"So," I heard Ashton say, "you and Luke."

"What about us?" I asked, collecting all of my belongings and just shoving them in my bag.

"Did you enjoy your second night together?"

I looked at Ashton with wide eyes. "You left on purpose?"

"Well, I did leave on purpose, but not for whatever reason you're thinking of. I was just going to talk to Calum, that's all. I ended up falling asleep there. I was really going to head back, honestly."

"Sure you were. Some best friend you are."

"Hey, if I stayed, then you two wouldn't have had sex in bed."

"Oh, my God, Ashton. We didn't have sex!"

"The come on your sheets say otherwise."

My eyes went large as I looked over at the sheets on the bed. I furrowed my eyebrows when I didn't see anything before I heard Ashton start laughing.

"There's nothing there, but I think your reaction's enough proof that you and Luke did do something last night." I glared over at him, grabbed a pillow from my bed, and threw it right at him. He easily dodged it, much to my disappointment. "Stop stalling and pack up! I want to be on my way home already!"

"Calm your nonexistent mammaries, Ashton, I'm packing!" I shouted, just stuffing everything in my bag. The last item I put in my bag was the weird green bobble head Luke wanted me to get. It's not as special as the pebble he gave me, mainly because this bobble head was merely a suggestion Luke made just so he could get the penguin bobble head. Even the seashell is worth more to me than the bobble head.

Speaking of the seashell, I went over to the nightstand where the shell was placed and then brought it to my bag, so I could put it in the small pocket where the pebble Luke gave me was.

"Hey, Mikey, you done packing yet?" Ashton asked.

"Um, I think I am," I answered, looking around to see if any of my belongings were scattered still. I glanced back at Ashton and nodded. "Yep, I'm done."

"Okay, I'm still packing, but I need to talk to Luke. So can you go to his and Calum's room and get him in here?"

"Yeah, okay." I walked over to the door and walked out barefooted. Once I got to the others' room, I knocked a couple of times before stepping back. The door opened and revealed a shirtless Calum.

"Mikey!" Calum exclaimed. "Why are you here? I thought you were packing?"

"I finished," I said. "Um, where's Luke?"

"He's in the bathroom, showering right now. So you're here for him?"

"Ashton wants to talk to him. I don't know why, but he does."

"Oh, I see." Calum went over to the bathroom door and started banging his fist against it. "You've been summoned by Ashton Fletcher Irwin, so get your ass over to him!"

"My ass belongs to green bean and green bean alone!" Luke shouted back. I felt my cheeks heat up and I covered my face with my hands, shaking my head.

"He's here, you know!"


"No, your precious green bean!"

"What?!" Then I heard something that sounded like crashing inside and I tried holding back my laughter. Either Luke fell or he knocked something over, but both was still funny to imagine.

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