Chapter 20

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We pretty much spent the entire day at the beach and we were now back to exploring this one plaza. It was more like an outdoor swap meet, but there were a lot of cool stuff. Luke and I were holding hands while Calum and Ashton were ahead of us. Ashton just listened to Calum as he blabbered on and on about Frederick. I would've whacked him with a frying pan by now from one of the shops we passed by if I heard the shell's name one more time. Ashton looked pretty amused with Calum's energetic behavior.

"Green bean, look!" I heard Luke exclaim as he pulled me to one of the shops. He was staring at a penguin bobble head, a smile forming on his lips. He tapped the head and practically giggled when the penguin's head began to shake. "It's so cute!"

"If you buy one of those, you get another for free," said a lady as she walked over to us.

"How much are they?" I asked.

"One is about four dollars."

"For this small little guy?" Luke pouted as he kneeled down to get to the penguin's level, poking its head.

"It's the lowest I can make them if I plan on making the buy one get one free deal." I glanced at Luke and saw him staring at the penguin. His fingers were on the edge of the table and his chin was rested on top of them. I sighed, brushing the back of his head, earning a wide eyed look from him.

I turned my gaze to the lady and then said, "Four dollars, right?" I reached into my pocket to pull out my wallet, but then I felt a hand grip my wrist and I looked down.

"You don't have to," Luke mumbled. "I could get it myself."

"Well, you could repay me later," I told him, and then a mischievous grin crawled on Luke's face. I could feel my face grow red and I stuttered out, "W-With money, no-nothing else."

"Pick a bobble head," interjected the lady. I pulled my eyes from Luke and looked at the many choices.

"Get the green one!" Luke exclaimed, springing up and pointing at a green dog. I just shrugged and selected the one Luke said. I heard him whisper a small, "Yes!"

The lady picked up the two bobble heads and then placed them in a bag. I handed her four dollars and she gave me the bag. I thanked the lady and then we left. Luke had his arms thrown around me, chanting "Thank you" multiple times to me.

"Okay, you're drawing attention towards us," I laughed, patting his shoulder.

"I got a penguin bobble head from green bean!"

"You're such a little kid."


"Well, at first you were an annoying little kid, but now you're a dependent one. You should let go of me now."

"I don't want to."

"Where's Ash and Cal?"

"I don't know."

My eyes widened and I frantically reached into my pocket for my phone. I pulled it out and immediately began dialing Ashton's number. I tried bringing the phone up to my ear, but Luke's arms were blocking me from doing so.

"Luke, let me go for just a minute," I told him. He pouted, but obeyed. Then I heard him counting down from sixty.

After a few rings I finally heard Ashton pick up the other line.

"Where are you guys?" I asked in a panicked tone.

"Where are we?" he repeated. "Where are you?! We turn around and suddenly you two were gone!"

I glanced up at one of the shop signs. "We're at this one place called 'Nick Nack's Knick Knacks'."

"What the hell is that? We're at some asian restaurant. It's in some foreign language, so I can't read it. This is one of those times that I wish Calum was asian."

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