Chapter 6

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I reached the restaurant and a waiter immediately came my way.

"Table for four," I told him. "The other three will arrive momentarily." He nodded and led me into the restaurant. I turned around and saw Luke finally walked in, but I'll let him figure out where I went.

The waiter took me to a booth by the window, and he placed four menus down. I took the seat closest to the window, facing away from the entrance, and he asked me if he could get me a drink, and I just said to him that water would be fine. He left and I opened up a menu. I put my feet on the seat across from me and then pulled out my phone, inserting an earbud into my ear and picking a song to play. I settled with All Time Low's album, Nothing Personal. I picked random and the first song that came up was Break Your Little Heart.

"Oh, there you are, you freak." I glared up at Luke as he took a seat on the opposite side me, but because my feet were propped on the seat right across from me he had to sit diagonal of me.

I hid my face behind the menu, not wanting to deal with him. I just want Ashton and Calum to hurry up with their packing and get here so things don't get ugly.

But since Luke's here, things are already ugly, and by things I mean his face.

Well, his face isn't that bad looking, but I can't stand looking at it. It irritates me so damn much.

Before I could put in another earbud, I heard Luke say, "What are you listening to?"

I set the menu down and glared at him. "Why do you care?" I questioned.

"I don't, but tell me anyway."

"I'm listening to a song."

"What kind of song?"

"A good one. Now leave me alone."

"Whatever, freak." See, that is why I don't want to talk to him. He's just going to throw insults at me.

"Here is your water," said the waiter as he set the glass down. I thanked him and Luke asked if he could get orange juice.

Really? Orange juice? What is he, six? He is, mentally. Immature brat.

I grabbed hold of my water and took a sip out of it as I continued scanning my eyes over the choices of pancakes. I didn't even read a single food, because I'm bothered at the fact that I'm alone with stupid Luke Hemmings.

"So, whom are you listening to?" Luke asked. I rolled my eyes and looked at him. If I want this guy to shut up, I might as well just answer him.

"All Time Low," I replied, not even bothering to hide the irritation in my voice.

"Oh. You're into that kind of music."

I frowned. "What the fuck's that supposed to mean?"

"It means you shouldn't curse, because there are kids sitting right behind you." I turned around, and there were little kids indeed. They didn't seem to pay any attention to me, thank God for that. "It doesn't mean anything. I mean, I like them, too."

"So we've got similar tastes in music. What of it?"

"Nothing." Then things were back to silence, and I returned to looking through the menu again. Even though it was awkward, it beat talking to him. "Do you know Marianas Trench?"

I glanced up at him again. "What?"

"Marianas Trench. The band with Josh Ramsay." I raised an eyebrow. "Oh, mate, you're missing out."

"What are you-" Luke then left his spot and went to the one next to me. He was getting too close to me, and I pushed myself away from him. He whipped out his phone.

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