Chapter 12

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"Guys, let's play I Spy."

"Can't. I'm driving. Need to concentrate on the road."

"No. Fuck you, Calum."

"Shut up, Luke. I'm trying to be entertaining here!"

"I Spy is not entertaining, especially when there's only road and dirt around us."

"We'll manage."

I didn't say anything, because I was sleeping. Well, I'm actually awake now, but they didn't have to know that. I didn't want anyone talking to me, simply because I didn't feel like talking back.

My arms were crossed over my chest and my head was lolled to the side, pressed against the window. I was slightly facing out, hoping I was in a convincing position. I don't know what time it is, and I don't want to check, because that means opening my eyes, and it'll show that I'm awake and I'll have to talk.

"I spy with my Kiwi eye-"

"Calum, we're not playing."

"-a grumpy penguin."

"Me. Now, shut the fuck up."

A smile almost appeared on my face. Almost. I squirmed in my seat, turning my head more towards the window.

"Shh, Mikey's sleeping," Calum whispered. I know it was him, because the voice was coming from ahead of me.

"I know. That's why I told you to shut up," Luke muttered.

Since when did he care if I was asleep or not?

"Luke, can you get the box of goldfish crackers?" I heard Calum ask. "I'mma feed Ashton." I heard shuffling beside me and I could sense movement as well.

"Oh, they're on Michael's side," Luke said. "hold up." The unbuckling of a seatbelt echoed throughout the car.

"Mate, leave it on," Ashton scolded. "I don't want to get in trouble if there happens to be a highway patrol car."

 "Don't be like that." The seat shifted and I felt Luke scooting into the middle seat beside me. His upper frame leaned over my knees. His voice strained before he let out a heavy sigh and pulled away. "Damn it. It slid under Cal's seat."

"Just wake Mikey up and have him get it," Calum suggested.

"I'm not waking him up," Luke retorted.

"It'd be easier-"

"I'm getting it." Wow, Luke's stubborn. Not like I didn't know that.

Luke's weight was suddenly on my thighs, and I was about to make my consciousness known and shove him off, but I decided to let it slide. Besides, he's just getting goldfish crackers, that's all.

"Cal, check if the box went to the front," Luke ordered.

"Nope, nothing here," Calum informed.


"Nevermind, you don't have to get it. I'll wait for Mikey to wake up."

"That's going to be a while, I think."

"Well, what choice do we have? If you can get it without waking him up, then go ahead. Actually, pass up any snack that's on your side."

"Okay, then you're getting skittles." Luke pulled away, and the heat that formed between his body and my thigh began to fade. More shuffling sounds were heard and then I heard Luke hand the bag to Calum. "What time is it?"

"It's two," Calum answered. The way he said that sounded as if he was filling his mouth up with skittles.

"We just passed a sign," Ashton said. "It said that the city is at the next exit."

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