Chapter 13

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I told myself that I was going to sleep, but... I can't.

It's been bothering me a lot. All I did was wake him up yesterday and made him fall on his face. Well, I didn't make him. He did it all on his own.

What he's plotting is probably a billion times worse than yesterday.

Five minutes after Luke disappeared into the restroom, I decided to head over to Calum and Ashton's room. I don't want to be alone with Luke at all.

I got out of my bed and patted my pockets to make sure my room key was in there. Then I headed out to the hallway and went towards Ashton and Calum's room on the other side of the hall.

I was about to knock on their door, but then the door already swung open, revealing Ashton.

"Oh, hey Mikey!" he exclaimed, searching behind me. "Is Luke with you?"

"No," I answered. "He's showering."

"Oh, okay. Can you hand me the key to your room?" I but nodded, handed him my room key, and walked inside. Ashton left and shut the door and I looked to see which bed was his. I saw his stuff on the bed by the door, so I sat down there. I pulled my phone from out of my pocket and went to flappy bird, just because I can.

That game is so frustrating sometimes, but I still keep the app. One minute after I say I won't play anymore, I'm back on it. Stupid game.

I heard the sound of a toilet flushing, which probably means that Calum's in the restroom. I don't know what kind of business he did in there, but I think it's safe if I go out to the balcony.

After playing one more game of flappy bird and getting a score of nine, I placed my phone on the nightstand and walked towards the balcony. It was still light out, and I couldn't wait for night to draw near, because then the city lights will be lit and it'll look really pretty.

But I also dreaded tonight, because whatever Luke planned was going to occur as well.

I slid the glass door open and felt the air hit me. It wasn't as cool as it was inside the room, but it was still cold nonetheless. Then I closed the door and approached the wall that kept us from falling off. It wasn't short enough for me to step over and fall, which is good.

As long as no one decides to pick me up and throw me off the balcony, then I'm safe.

I leaned against the barrier a bit, my arms resting on top. I looked out at the tall buildings and just taking in the scenery. It was beautiful, even without city lights. It'd look very amazing, a billion times better.

I leaned over the wall a bit to peer down. We were really high up, but that didn't bother me, because it was really cool. I was more in awe than struck with fear.

I heard the glass door and I turned around, seeing Calum.

"Hey, Mikey," he greeted with a wave. I waved back before turning back to the city. The glass door closed and Calum appeared beside me, imitating the way I leaned against the barrier with me. "This is nice."

"Yeah," I sighed, scanning over the city. I ran my hand through my green hair and then put it back to where it was on top of the wall. A sudden chill ran through me and I shivered.

"You cold?" Calum asked. I glanced over at him, but he was already rushing inside. Then he came back with a bed sheet and draped it over me.

"Thanks," I said. He was standing beside me, his hands still on my shoulders.

Calum smiled, replying with, "No problem." We just continued enjoying the view of the city. No words were exchanged between us, and I'd rather have it this way. I wanted to listen to the sounds of the city. They were soothing, and I liked that.

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