part one: tattoos // january 14th, 2011

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        Northdale’s cafeteria was occupied to students from each distinct grade level, while a swarm of sophomores crowded the canteen. The sounds of bubbling laughter wafted its way throughout the area, and it was deemed to be exceptionally louder than other days — considering that it was a Friday afternoon.

        The group of friends were sat in one of the tables, in the very midst of the cafeteria, jabbering away about the latest comic convention. But although Nova Hadley was sat with the four friends, she was completely reversed in a heavy trance of thoughts, as the melodic sounds of chatter reverberated off her eardrums. Ashton Irwin, too, seemed to be uninterested in the conversation, while he gazed at Nova, curious as to what her world of imagination looked like — questioning if it was full of bright colours and dainty art, or morbid shades and haunting visionaries.

        As if on cue, Nova’s fluttered her eyelashes, almost as if to clear her fuzzy thoughts. Then, her eyes instantaneously flickered to Ashton, who sat beside her, completely fixated on Nova. And it nearly made her flush vivid red from embarrassment once she realized that he caught her being inattentive, but instead, Ashton arched an eyebrow, as if he was questioning what she was thinking of.

        It shocked her, knowing that Ashton was so curious and perceptive. Perhaps she felt so overwhelmed by the anxiety and delight igniting her bones, that she just gave him a small smile, and brushed him off by shaking her head. It was like she did everything in her willpower to fight the urge to tell him everything that had been bothering her, but she did not like burdening others with immense weights, so kept it to herself instead.

        So then, Nova focused her spurring attention on Lia, who was gaping at the brunette haired boy with evident doubt, her eyes skimming the cast upon his legs. “You’re fucking kidding me,” Lia murmured, trying to stifle a giggle.   

        Grayson smiled proudly, taking a bite out of his pepperoni pizza. He lifted his left foot slightly, enough to descry the fibreglass upon on foot. Then, arching an eyebrow, he smirked, “I kid you not, little one.”

        Noah glanced at Grayson, dumbfounded, as he rammed his phone harshly into the pocket of his dark washed jeans. “So you’re telling us that you broke your leg while running after your dog,” Noah said, recollecting his thoughts for clarification.

        “Exactly!” Grayson exclaimed, a burst of satisfaction flaring into the air.

        Nova, who was now completely engrossed with the newfound topic, grinned slightly. Sure, she had noticed the cast upon Grayson’s foot, and the crutches he’d been using for aid, but had asked no further questions. Nova was sure that he’d end up telling them what had happened, so she intended to leave it be until it was brought up once again. And now was the time, so Nova decided to interweave herself into the conversation. “How much more heroic can you possibly be?” She asked, the corner of her lips ascending.

        Grayson shrugged, as a string of guffaws engulfing the group of friends. Ashton stared at him, in a way where it seemed so serious, so deadpanned, so impassive, that it sent shivers crawling down Nova’s back. Unexpectedly, Ashton’s lips twitched into a smug smirk, and the syllables gushed from his mouth. “I thought we could do something rebellious today,” he paused, watching Grayson’s face twist into imperceptible excitement. Then, Ashton continued, sighing, “But with your broken leg...”

        Nova could’ve sworn Grayson’s face had shifted so quickly, she couldn’t even determine the previous emotion. His words were so rushed, that it poured seamlessly from his reach. “Shit! I swear I’m a survivor,” Grayson exclaimed.

        Noah scratched his chin, gnawing on his bottom lip. “What do you mean when you say rebellious?” He inquired, throwing the conversation into a completely different direction.

        Ashton shrugged, acting as though it wasn’t a big deal. “I mean rebellious, like get tattoos.” He stated, seemingly reticent.

        And once the words had emitted into the air, Nova’s eyes nearly bulged right from its sockets, the panic seeping into her skin. “But we can’t! We’re minors!” She blurted, her eyes flickering back and forth between Ashton and Lia. Of course, Nova didn’t even try to hide the disagreement or anxiety — no mask to conceal the piercing of her voice.

        Ashton heaved a long protruded breath, ruffling Nova’s hair. His voice was as soft as red velvet when he spoke, “Oh Nova, don’t worry. We can steer our way out of that.”

        He could’ve fooled her, but Nova was definitely not wrapped around Ashton’s finger to be going along with everything he told her. Of course she was infatuated with him, endlessly even, but it did not run as deep into the levels of being controlled by him. So Nova gave him a tight smile, “We’ll be breaking the law, Ashton.”

        Taking a bite out of his pizza, a smile inched Ashton’s lips. “I told you, I have my ways.”  He said subtly, his voice trailing into an infinite distance.

        Nova was uneasy, her stomach quenching from anxiety — or because she hadn’t touched her pizza since lunch began — and she was definitely sure that she was not going to receive a tattoo when she was only sixteen. She was also sure that she was not going to go against the forbidden laws of New York.

        Almost as if Noah could detect the apprehension numbing her limbs, he carelessly flung his arm across her shoulder. Although, in all honestly, it hadn’t reassured Nova at all, not even the slightest, so she groaned in distress. Noah beamed, ignoring her constant protests, his smile stretching so wide that there were crinkles by his eyes. “Don’t worry, Nova. Ashton always gets us by unnoticed.”

        Lia snickered, her hands covering her mouth to stop herself.

        “We’ll go once school ends,” Ashton declared, and he grinned as if he was satisfied with his very own commitment.

        “Ashton, I’m not getting a tattoo.” Nova interrupted, her eyes skimming his features, from his hazel eyes to his rosette lips. All eyes were on her — at least all four pairs of eyes were on her — and she self-consciously raked her fingers through the strands of her hair. Suddenly, the words poured from her lips before she could even stop herself, “I mean if you guys are, I’d be glad to watch.”

        Ashton patted her head gently. “Hey, Nova. Don’t you worry; doing illegal things is definitely not my thing.” He assured, scratching the bridge of his nose. 

A/N: this is a really short chapter because it has two parts. i planned to make it only one whole, but i feel like that would lose your interest. i'm almost done part two AND the letter following so please don't hate me for not updating. 

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