ice cream // january 4th, 2011

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        From: Lia Roberts To: Nova Hadley

Hey, where are you right now? :P

        From: Nova Hadley To: Lia Roberts

World History, hbu?

        From: Lia Roberts To: Nova Hadley

Physics, sucks here . . . But hey, do you wanna go somewhere after school?

        From: Nova Hadley To: Lia Roberts

LOL, sure? Where though?

        From: Lia Roberts To: Nova Hadley

You'll see. Meet me in the atrium once the bell rings :)

        Nova grinned to herself, her lips ascending indiscernibly while she harshly rammed her phone into the pocket of her dark washed jeans. She tried to fixate her spurring attention on Mr. Blackwood and their lesson on the rise of Rome, but he was only reviewing the past information, dawning upon significant events to recoup the class’s previous knowledge. Her dark eyes flickered towards the clock while she rubbed her temples. There were only a few minutes until the dreadful school day was completely over which will cease their first day back at school following the winter break.

        She hadn’t seen Ashton at all today. Lia said he had to deal with a family matter, and assured her not to worry. But of course, Nova’s apprehension grew more than expected, and questions swam through her endless thoughts. It jumbled her mind with anxiety. Obviously, she didn’t know Ashton by heart, and neither did she know what went on with his personal life, but she just hoped for him to be okay, which was all that mattered to her.

        Nova sighed, her tongue grazing her lips delicately. The process of growing attached to Ashton was building instantly by the second, but slowly and gradually, it seemed to her as though it no longer felt like a constant terror enrapturing her. Carefully, the fright was dwindling like the fire on a candle, and she began to look at everything with a larger sense of optimism.

        Minutes later, the thunderous sound of the bell flared throughout the classroom, forcibly pulling Nova from her reverie. At the sound of the bell, students began packing their bags, including the girl with big chestnut eyes and a quiet demeanor. Nova pushed herself from the old oak desk, gathering her binders into her arms.

        Mr. Blackwood peered at the class, raising his hand in the air which stops the flock of students from exiting. “Before you go, if you’re a little rusty on the important events that we’ve learned previously, just review chapter four in your textbook,” He noted with sophistication, while he gathered the worksheets into his hands, uncluttering his tabletop.

        Nova meandered hastily to the front of the room, with a bright beam engraved on her features. “Bye Mr. Blackwood, I hope you have a great evening,” she said, bidding him her pleasantries. It wasn’t as if she was considered the smartest girl in class; that was Evelyn Lancaster. And it wasn’t as if she was the kindest in the class; that was Ruth Wilson. She was just Nova Hadley, the second smartest in the class and the second kindest in class. Nova Hadley was just simply second to everything.

        He glanced at her, pushing his jet-black glasses up from the bridge of his nose. Mr. Blackwood was in his mid-fifties, with generous eyes and a warm smile. He looked slightly old for his age, but it deemed to be the stress gnawing at center of his palms.  He was Nova’s favourite teacher, although he did often tend to ramble on about his opinions and theories of how our world has developed. Nova found it quite fascinating, and Mr. Blackwood was probably the source of where her endless questioning and curiosity originated from.

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