Let's Run Away From Here

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Gerard's pov

We were running, the men in white suits chasing not so far behind.

Men on foot, in vans and motorcycles turning every which way to catch us.

It seems like they have lost us.

Except Andy.

"You can't speed away if you're not a vampire," Andy laughed before falling behind.

Now that i think about it, we are a lot slower than normal.

And i feel surprisingly tired.

I never feel tired, vampires don't sleep.

"That fucker," (y/n) yelled, "I can't jump anymore."

"Did Andy turn us human," Mikey laughed, "i thought that wasn't possible."

"Well he did it," Frank spoke sternly, "which means we could all die at any second."

"We're so vulnerable now," Ray frowned.

"All of these years, I've waited for the day that i could be human again," Gerard spoke sadly, "and it happens during the most dangerous time of my life."

"But (y/n) still has wings," Frank pointed out, "she isn't a vampire, but she is still a weird hybrid that could save our asses."

"Maybe you could fly us all away," Mikey suggested.

"I don't think i can carry four grown men and my self," (y/n) explained, "but i am running out of breath."

"I have a car parked by the old coven house," Frank yelled, "we could loop around the neighbourhood and get the car running."

"Does the car even work, it's literally been almost 10 years since we've used it," I questioned.

"I didn't say i had a full proof plan," Frank complained, "I'm just saying that we can't run forever and nobody else has any ideas."

"Well let's get to the car as fast as possible," Ray shouted, "I don't wanna die the first day I'm human again."


"Get in fuckers, were going on a joyride to the grocery store," Frank spoke quickly and hopped into an old red car.

"Let's just try to go unnoticed and keep quiet until we get there okay," (y/n) whispered while laying her head on my shoulder.

There's definitely something on her mind besides being chased by some weird corporation.

(Y/n) pov

"Sugar what's wrong," Gerard whispered into my hair.

"Andy said that my parents wanted to see me. I thought my parents were dead Gee," i cried lowly.

Frank gave me sympathetic look through the mirror and i assume that Ray and Mikey couldn't hear me.

"He's probably just trying to put you in a bad mental state so he can take advantage of you without working as hard. I mean you saw your parents in caskets a few years ago."

"What if it was all fake. What if they are alive and they are out there somewhere waiting for me. What if they were the ones who sent these people after me."

"I think it's best to try to ignore it all and we can figure it out when we're safe. We don't need to be stressed out and be forced to run away from some evil corporation at the same time," Gerard smiled sadly.

"You're adorable, you know that," I smiled and looked up at Gerard.

"Of course i know that," Gerard smiled and flipped his hair.

The Aftermath Is Secondary  (Killjoy Gerard Way x reader)Where stories live. Discover now