Just Been Listening In

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That was me on Sunday night. I went to my first Panic! concert after like 6-7 years of waiting. It was honestly the best moment of my life. Read the Authors Note at the end of this chapter to find out more about that👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

⭐️  https://youtu.be/mUD46Xi7E3w  ⭐️
^ that is a link to the YT video I posted for the concert if you wanna check it out^

Pony's POV

"It all started in winter of 2005," I began, "I had just moved to LA, changed schools, all of that shit. I had lunch with Andy which was always weird because, well you know. I didn't know he was a vampire at the time actually. He would always leave lunch to go to the football fields out back. Curiosity got the bet of me and I decided to follow him out there one day. I found out that he was going under the bleachers and eating animals. He tried to kill me later because he found out that I knew but we made a deal and became friends. Years later when he started dating (k/n) he started seeing me as a threat towards their relationship and tried to kill me again. Obviously he didn't but I did end up being hospitalised from blood loss and several broken bones."

"Well now I'm curious Pony, what was the deal that you made with him under the bleachers," (K/N) asked, "I never knew anything about that."

"I can't tell you. If he were to find out that I told you about our deal, he would kill us all."

"He's been trying to do that for years anyways," Kobra chuckled "I think we can handle him."

"Something you guys need to know about me is that I am loyal. I will keep every promise I ever make. I'm still keeping the secret about (K/N)'s fifth grade crush."

"Definitely me," Party smirked, "It was always me."

"Party, she didn't know you when she was in fifth grade."

"Yeah I did. I didn't remember him but I knew him before," (K/n) chuckled.

"What a cute story."

"Andy," (K/n) screeched, "What in the hell are you doing here?"

"Just been listening in," He smirked as he dropped from his position on the vehicles roof.

"Christ on a fucking bicycle can you just leave us alone," (K/n) spat, "You've had plenty of chances to stick around and be friends and you blew them. Nobody wants you here."

"Okay sweetie lets get this clear. I don't want to be here either. You think I enjoy chasing my former friends around in the desert trying to kill them."

(K/n) pov

"Sure seems like it, plus you're a total prick so I literally can't see you any other way," Fun snickered.

"Well, I don't. I'm only doing this because I'm getting paid good money from your parents (Y/n), or (K/n) as you're called now. I don't want to hurt you. I don't want to hurt any of you. Hell, I didn't even want to kill Bob, but I have to do my job. Also (Y/n), your parents will be stopping by the diner tomorrow morning at seven sharp. I'll catch up with you guys later."

Andy disappeared from the back of the van and left us in silence.

"What are we gonna do about your parents," Kobra whispered, "Aren't they the crazy people that are sending people after you?"

"If I recall correctly, yes they are. (K/n), your parents could literally show up with hundreds upon thousands of dracs and literally end our lives," Jet Spoke with a stern tone, "I'm not gonna say that we're not vampires anymore but I am going to say that we don't have any powers besides reading each other's minds. We aren't invincible anymore guys. If they show up tomorrow we're as good as dead."

"Then we need to pack up our shit when we get back and head out for a few days. After they leave we can go back," I explained, "Is there anywhere that you guys know is safe to stay for a little while?"

"You could stay with Dr. D, Missile kid and I at our new and improved Secret base," Pony shrieked, "It'll be super fun!"

"Sounds like a plan then. Let's head to the diner, pack our shit, pick up the other two and head towards our temporary hideout."

"Do you think a few days will be long enough for everyone to clear out from the diner," Party questioned, "I would think they would wait it out. At least the dracs would."

"You guys can stay as long as you want. We won't rush you out or anything," Pony informed us, "I don't want yall to die anytime soon."

"Thank you pony, for everything you're doing for us. It really means a lot. Now lets go pick up Dr. D and Missile Kid, grab our shit and get the hell outta here," I yelled enthusiastically, "I don't know about you guys, but I plan on living a little but longer."

~Author's Note~
Hey guys. I was only like three days late this time. I just wanna say that a lot has happened. I ruined my relationships with about half of my family members because they can't accept that I dye my hair. They actually hate me for it and now I have even more permanent mental issues. I went to a Panic! At The Disco concert on Sunday night. I drive all the way to Duluth, Georgia to see it. I was literally in a car for like 7 hours. Not the longest but whatever. I can say with confidence that it was the best concert I have ever seen. I've been a fan of Panic! for about 6-7 years bow so it was a really overwhelming and amazing moment. Brendon also walked into the crowd and since I had floor seats, he walked right beside me and I touched him. The show was great and they didn't cut 'Nine In The Afternoon' this time. I cried like a little bitch through the whole damn thing. I'm not even embarrassed by it either. I accepted my fate long ago. It was super fun. I'm actually really proud of how far Brendon has come over the past few years. From the beginning to current day, he's worked his ass off to make good music for us and I'm just happy to see him succeed. Anyways I'll see you guys later. 👋🏻

~Cordelia 🦕

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