Whats Going On Inside Her Head I

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^my mum took me to see Dan and Phil's stage show Interactive Introverts last Friday. It was a really good time and i was pretty close to the stage ⬇️

We weren't allowed to film the show so for that reason, I'm not gonna post anything that I secretly filmed lol

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We weren't allowed to film the show so for that reason, I'm not gonna post anything that I secretly filmed lol. I don't wanna spoil it for anybody because I'm pretty sure they're making a movie out of it, like they did with The Amazing Tour Is Not On Fire in 2016. Okay it was an amazing show and it was super interactive. That's all, you can continue the story now.

Kobra's POV

If I was being honest to myself, (K/n)'s parents scared the living shit outta me. Even worse than Gerard with teenagers and needles. Everybody has been pretty uneasy over the past few days because if the incident with Andy accept (K/n). She's completely content, or really good at hiding all emotion.

Fun's POV

So everyone is freaking out internally except (K/n). How in the hell is she so calm through all of this? Her own parents want her and everyone she loves dead. Party looks super worried though. Maybe she told him something we don't know.

Jet's POV

So (K/n) doesn't even care that this is happening. She does know her parents a lot better than than we do so maybe they're not as powerful as we think they are. She would definitely be more worried if we had any chance of losing this fight.

Party's POV

So we're on our way to pick up our stuff and then we're moving to a new base. We're all pretty worried. (K/n) is the most worried. I can see it in her eyes. Nobody knows why she's so worried. It's obviously not her parents. I know she's keeping secrets from all of us and i hope she's prepared to spill it all when we get to the new base.

(K/n) POV

If I tell them everything that's happening it's just going to stress them out more. I don't want anybody to know yet, not even Gerard. I don't want anyone to break our deals from training just because of one minor inconvenience. If I'm about to die, they wont leave me behind like we agreed, they'll try to save me and I can't let them do that. My life does that matter but their lives. They matter. They need to live. They need to save this world. Without me.

"Hey you guys shouldn't worry about me. I'll be okay. I promise."

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