How Did We End Up Like This

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(K/n) pov

"So this all started when I was a small child."

"You had to grow up with this," Fun frowned.

"Yes but I don't actually know why this happened, I don't know what you were expecting. You know I have memory loss because of traumatic past events," I laughed, "I literally have no idea, they're just fucking assholes."

"That was extremely disappointing," Party joked and snaked his arm around my waist.

"If you guys aren't careful, Kobra's gonna pull out his fanfic book again," Jet warned and Kobra quickly shoved the small notebook back into his backpack.

"This is the second time you're pulled out that book since we got down here Kobra, I believe it is time we have a little look inside," I wiggled my eyebrows.

"I really wouldn't suggest that (k/n)," Kobra frowned, "You know what I write in here."

"That's why I wanna read it. I'll tell you if the sex scenes are accurate," I suggested.

"That's kinda fucked up," Party chuckled, "But at the same time, it's quite appealing."

"You guys are fucking weird. Why don't you just wanna sleep like normal people," Fun complained while smacking his face into the blanket.

"I don't even know if I want to hear this," Jet frowned, "It's gonna be so fucked up."

I opened the book and flipped through the pages until I found the first piece of smut, "I would like to say that I have never sucked Party's dick so you might wanna edit that part out or the other way around if you know what I mean."

"Oh my god (k/n) please stop," Kobra begged.

"Hey I'm jut trying to help you out. You should also make me top a few times, just for future reference. We take turns."

"Why in the fuck are you so open about your sex life. We don't want to hear it," Fun complained while covering his ears.

"Wow Kobra, you got the restriction kink perfect. Good job man," Party chuckled while bumping me with his elbow.

"I'm not denying it, if that's what you were expecting me to do," I laughed, "Overall, this isn't that far off. I don't know if I should be scared or impressed."

"Can we please stop now," Kobra whined, "Jet and Fun definitely don't want to hear this and I don't want anyone to read it ever again."

"I mean, you're good at writing. It's very detailed. You may want to add some blood or blindfolds next," I whispered.

"What do you guys even do in that room," Jet asked shocked, "You're here talking about blood. What is wrong with you two?"

"We were vampires at one point Jet, you can't act like you've never enjoyed the sight of blood before."

"Not in a sexual way," Jet shouted.

"Keep it down, they could hear you up there and I personally think that Party looks sexy as hell covered in blood. It's something that I enjoy. Everyone has their own opinions," I spoke calmly.

"Whatever, every person to their own I guess," Jet mumbled, "Now can we all go to sleep so we can make our escape without any mishaps tomorrow?"

"Sure thing Princess Frofro," I smiled while laying down atop Party.

"Are you really going to sleep on top of me again?"

"Yes," I stated, "You're warm, soft, cuddly and really cute. Why would I not sleep on you?"

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