Author's note

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I had a project in my animal science class where i raised four chickens. I loved them all of course but I became very attached to the one i named Gerard. He was a small black chicken.

I say I don't pick favourites, but he was very obviously my favourite

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I say I don't pick favourites, but he was very obviously my favourite. I loved him with all of my heart you guys.
After he got bigger, I had to move him and the others outside into a larger coop. I didn't want to because I feared that they wouldn't be safe.
I went to school yesterday morning only to find out that around 4am, a raccoon went i to the chicken coop and ripped apart the only thing that I care about. Out of every animal we keep outside, mine was killed.

That was one of the last times I ever saw him

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That was one of the last times I ever saw him. I raised that chicken like a fucking parrot. He would jump onto my shoulder and flap his wings. I was going to bring him home. He was going to be my pet. It really fucking hurts. I have to walk into my school every day knowing that I wasn't there to help him. I'll never get to see him again.

Because of this I will be taking a long break. I have no inspiration anymore. I'm sorry.

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