Code Names

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This picture has nothing to do with the chapter, i just saw it on Tumblr and thought it was really cute.

(Y/n)'s pov

"Gather 'round boys," I yelled while pushing myself onto a table, "get used to this schedule. It's 5:30 am and it's time to work."

"(Y/n) don't get me wrong, I love you like a sister," Frank began while poking his head out from the hall way, "but for my sanity, I'm going to ask you to shut the fuck up."

"Don't tell her to shut the fuck up, Gerard will rip your heart out of your chest," Mikey giggled while sitting down at a small booth.

"Baby, why are you yelling at sunrise," Gerard frowns while putting on a black t-shirt.

"You'll see soon child," I screamed while scanning the room carefully.

Gerard was leaning on the doorframe to our bedroom, Frank was sitting on the floor in the middle of the hall, Mikey was laying across a booth and Ray was..

Ray was nowhere to be seen.

"Where the fuck is Rayray," I questioned.

"Sleeping probably," Mikey frowned, "lucky for him, he's a super deep sleeper so he probably didn't wake up to you screaming at the top of your lungs."

"No I did, I just wanted to see if (y/n) noticed that I wasn't here," Ray yawned while walking over to the cupboard.

"I woke you all up for something important though," I whined.

"Get on with it then sugar," Gerard pushed.

"I was thinking that we, first of all, need code names. It will be more difficult for others to find us if we don't use our real names. I also think we need to get on a schedule do we will always be well rested and ready to go."

"Oh shit," Frank mumbled, "Now I have to come up with something really cool."

"I have my code name and Gee has his. We talked about this last night after I woke up for the fifth time. My new name is (k/n) and Gerard will now be known as Party Poison. You guys can talk and come up with names."

"While they're coming up with names, I need to talk to you," Gerard whispered.

We made our way up to the roof and sat side by side, legs dangling off the edge. No words were spoken.

"Have you been okay recently," Gerard questioned out of nowhere.

"What," I chuckled, "Yeah I've been fine. Why?"

"I don't know," Gerard responded, "It doesn't matter. Forget I said anything."

He quickly stood up and shuffled down the latter. I quickly jumped off of the buildings side and blocked the door, which was a huge mistake.

"Mother fucker," I cursed loudly.

"(Y/n) did you jump off the roof," Gerard yelled.

He was definitely pissed. Truth was, I completely forgot that my leg had been shot. I didn't remember until I landed on the ground.

"Yeah, I forgot I got shot," I whispered, "I'm sorry."

"(K/n) I understand that you're crazy just like the rest of us, but you can't do stupid and reckless shit like that. If we are gonna make it through this alive, you're gonna have to grow up," Gerard yelled.

He walked past me and slammed the diner door behind him.

What the hell just happened?

After giving myself a minute to think, I stood up and followed his direction. I assumed he was in our room or the bathroom. I walked into our bedroom only to find it empty. The shower was running behind the closed bathroom door.

I hesitated to knock. What if it wasn't Gerard in the bathroom. I should probably check to see where everybody else is.

I remember seeing Ray in the kitchen when I walked in. I walked down the hall, peeking into all of the rooms, to find Frank watching TV and Mikey writing in his fan fiction book.

So either Gerard is in that shower or it's some random killjoy.

I'll take my chances.

I grabbed a bobby pin from my hair and used it to unlock the door, slipped into the bathroom and quickly relocked the door.

"Gerard we need to talk," I whispered from outside the shower.

"If you wanna talk you have to get in."

I sighed before quickly stripping off my remaining clothes and stepping into cold water.

"Why is the water so fucking cold," I sighed.

Gerard simply held out both of his arms and motioned me towards him.


Gerard nodded and held his arms out wide.

"You're not going to talk anymore?"

He nodded 'no' and made a pouty face.

I wrapped my arms around his waist and spoke once again, "why aren't you talking?"

"I was waiting for you to hug me."

"Why'd you yell at me over something so insignificant?"

"Stress maybe. I just don't want you to get hurt or taken back to some facility where you'll get hurt."

"I understand that Gee, but you know I don't handle loud noise very well. I don't like it when you yell."

"I know."

"Then why'd you do it again?"

"I already told you."

"I know it's something more than stress."

"I don't know (y/k/n)."

"You have to know."

"I've just been angry a lot. This is such bull shit. We are running from a 6'4 vampire that is leading a weird corporation they could literally destroy the world. We're not vampires anymore I could die you could die Frank, Ray, and Mikey could die. I've never had a fear death because I never thought I was going to have to face it."

"When I was turned, I didn't think I was going to have to face it either, but things have changed, so were either going to sit around and cry about it, or fight fire with fire," I responded, "and "Ger- Party, it's five of us against possibly millions. This is a problem that has spread all over the US."

"Then I guess we're gonna need an intensely full proof plan to take our world back."

~ Authors Note ~
Fucking oof. If you read the authors notes you might remember me talking about eating chicken nuggets while setting broccoli on fire. I am actually extremely happy because a very sweet person that reads my books actually did it and sent me a video. I obviously can't post videos from my camera roll here so go go follow @gee_way_iero on instagram to watch. ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️

GEEsusIsMyBoiii thank you so much

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GEEsusIsMyBoiii thank you so much

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