Training For War

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This picture makes me want to cry
(F/c) = favourite colour
(K/n) = Killjoy name (you can make up your own name :p)

Frank's POV

I woke up to a set of loud voices coming from the front of the diner. I turned to look at the small digital clock on my right.

5:37 am

That's what it read.
It was still dark outside, the sun just begging to peak over the horizon leaving a small tint of orange on the rather black and blue sky.

I sat up straight and tried to focus. (Y/n) had brought up training at one point and said she wanted a training day. At a time this early, that's the only thing it could've been.

5:43 am

I walked into the main diner to see the other Killjoys eating cans of power pup. Gross.

"That's all we have left," (y/n) laughed while pointing at a cupboard full of dog food.

I simply grimaced before grabbing a can.

"So, it's been a few days since I requested you did this. What are your killjoy names," (y/n) yelled while hopping out of the booth she was sitting in and standing on the counter beside it.

"Jet Star"
"Kobra Kid"
"Party Poison"

"Oh I've been thinking about this for a long time and I think I have the perfect Killjoy name for myself," I screamed with excitement.

"Shoot Iero"

"My Killjoy name is going to be Fun Ghoul!"

"So why'd you choose that name specifically," Ray questioned raising an eyebrow.

"Well Fun Ghoul sounds a lot like fongool," i chuckled.

"Frankie you're a bloody idiot," (k/n) smiled.

"Sugar why did you jut go British for like 5 seconds and what in the hell does fongool mean," Gerard asked the both of  us.

"I just do that sometimes," (k/n) smiled, "Fun Ghoul over there can tell you what fongool means."

"Go on then," Mikey urged, "I wanna know why the word fongool is giving (k/n) a laughing fit in the corner."

"Fongool translates to 'fuck you' or 'go fuck yourself' in Italian," I smirked while throwing my feet onto the table top ahead of me.

"Are you serious," Gerard smiled, "that's pretty good."

(K/n) pov

"Okay, now that we all have our Killjoy names to hide our identities, it's time to start training for real," I frowned while walking over to the booth of the famous killjoys, "we've had a lot of fun out here but only a few days ago we were ambushed. Somebody else has to know we're here and you better believe they are going to send more of those dracs our way. We have our ray guns and we have backup weapons. We have a few cans of power pup left which will last us probably about four more days. That's if we're really lucky. We need to prepare to go into the city to pick up large amounts of food and water. We haven't gone into the city for about a month but from what I've heard, it's not looking too good. There are dracs constantly scouting out the area so we'll have to use ally ways and back roads. We'll have to break into stores through the back doors, grab food and water, and run for our lives."

"Then I guess we need to start training before we go out to get more supplies. I'm not planning on dying tomorrow night," Party spoke while sliding out of the booth.

"I want to make something clear before we start this. We are all to stick together and if we end up in trouble, we help each other. If one of us get killed, the rest of us will not wait around, we will make our escape. We will not mourn until we are in code green. This is not going to be fun but we have to fight fire with fire. Do you understand," I asked firmly while looking each one of my friends in the eyes, "That means you too Party. If I get killed, you do not mourn, you leave and save yourself."

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