Through The Sewers

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That was me on my last day of freshman year

(K/n) pov

"You can't run from us forever," Andy yelled, his voice filled with worry.

From what I could hear, there were a lot of dracs. It sounded like Andy was leading an army down LA streets just to kill me.

"(K/n), they're getting really close where do we go," Fun whispered.

They were all waiting for an answer that I didn't have. There is only one way out of this.

"Get in the sewer," i whispered.

"What," they all questioned.

I pointed at the manhole on the ground, "Lift that up quietly and we all go through the sewers. That's the only way we don't die."

Party lifted up the manhole and Kobra jumped in followed by Jet and Kobra. I took the manhole from Party, " get in now."

Party jumped in and i set the cover down directly beside the gaping hole in the ground. I stepped down on the ladder and pulled the cover over as quietly as i could before jumping down the rest of the way.

"Stay on the concrete, don't touch the water. It's fucking nasty and they'll be able to hear us," i explained while pulling out a travel sized torch.

I clicked the button on the back of the torch and a small light illuminated the sewer. Needless to say, it was nasty down here.

I heard the loud footsteps of dracs above our heads as we walked through the dimly lit path.

"Where did they go," I heard a familiar voice yell.

"I don't know ma'am," Andy sternly replied, "I promise you that I will find them."

He doesn't sound very confident. I wonder who he's talking to. Her voice sounds familiar.

"Who do you think he's talking to," Jet whispered whole look down at me.

"I'm not sure, her voice sounds familiar though," i replied, "Probably his boss."

"Do you think it's your mum," Jet asked.

That would explain why her voice sounded so familiar. I hadn't heard it in a few years. Three or four maybe. Maybe once on a video or something.

"Yeah," i chuckled, "I always knew she was a bitch but I didn't think she'd stoop this low. I mean she wants to fucking kill me. What's up with that right?"

"You seem way to calm for realising that your mum just tried to kill you," Jet frowned, "Are you sure you're okay with all of this? You seem way to calm."

"Well Andy told me that my parents were running this shit anyways and Bobert co firmed it for me, so I wasn't expecting it to be anyone else," i explained.

"Who's 'Bobert'," Jet chuckled with a confused face.

"Bob Bryar," I smiled, "He's one of my old mates from when I was younger. I met him when I was 8. He was my only friend."

"Did she just say that she id friends with Bryar," Fun asked Party.

"Yup, they've been friends since they were 8."

"Why were you friends with Bryar," Kobra asked confused.

"You can call him Bob and i met him right after i moved to LA. He was eight just like me and we had history class together. When he turned sixteen he disappeared and that's when Andy showed up and then we started dating because he related to me on the fact that I had been left by my best friend. Now Andy has killed Bob and it sounds like Andy is going to get killed by my mother. Honestly I feel bad for him. I know you guys had problems with Bob but before he was turned and sent to Jersey, him and I were really close."

"So I'm guessing you didn't know about everything he was doing in Jersey," Ray stated.

"Nope. I didn't even know where he went. There were rumours that he had died. All that matters is that he let Party and I escape back there and held off not only the dracs, but Andy and apparently my mum," I explained, "Now we just need to take a few more turns and we can camp out down here overnight. Tomorrow morning before people start going outside, we'll climb up and make a run for the diner."

"So we're spending the night here," Fun frowned, "In a nasty ass sewer?"

"Would you rather get shot and die," I smiled back at Fun.

"Well no, obviously," Fun laughed, "I don't think getting shot would be very fun."

"Then yes Fun," I started, "We're spending the night in a nasty ass sewer. I'm sorry I couldn't find anywhere else to go at the dead end whilst I was seconds away from my possible demise."

"Fair enough."

"You think we're far enough to settle down for the night," Party asked while grabbing my hand.

"We should be, it's been like twenty minutes. We can stop right up at that bend right there. There's a small station with tools and such that construction workers would go when they were fixing pipes and that sort of thing. We can go in there and lock the door. We'll have to pile up though, it's kinda small."

"Why do you know so much about these sewers," Mikey raised his eyebrows, "Your like a fuckin genius."

"I used to have to hide from people to get out of trouble a lot," I winked while halting to a stop, "Everyone get in that room."

"What a bad ass," Party smirked while pushing me into the small room.

"I sure am," I smiled up at him.

"If you guys are about to fuck we can wait out here," Fun stated.

Party glanced at me for approval.

"Party I am not having sex with you in a sewer," I rolled my eyes, "We can save that for when we get back to the diner."

"I am so lucky that I brought this with me," Kobra smiled while pulling a small book out of his backpack.

"Are you fucking kidding me," Party face palmed, "Just everyone get in the room."

The small room was now holding five adult sized people. There definitely wasn't much space in here.

"We all need to find a way to squeeze onto the floor so we can sleep."

"I don't want to sleep on this floor," Party whined, "It's so gross."

"But you would have sex with me on this floor?"

"Okay, leave me alone (k/n)," Party frowned.

"Okay, well I knew you would complain so I brought blankets to put on the ground."

"You act like this was completely planned," Jet laughed.

"It wasn't planned but I do have some blankets that I took from the store because they were soft and I liked them," I chuckled while pushing them flat on the floor.

"Isn't it sad that we have resorted to sleeping in a sewer for tonight because people want us dead so badly," Kobra spoke up, "I mean what got shoved up your parents asses that made them hate originality so much. They want to kill us because we're different. It's ridiculous."

I sat down on the folded blankets and motioned for my fellow Killjoys to join me.

"It's story time boys."

~Author's Note~
Heeeeeyo my friends, it's 2:14 am and i just finished the long awaited next chapter. Next chapter will give you more insight on your parents and why they decided to be fucking lunatics. Yeah i really don't have very much to say. I can tell you that i have three drafts for separate books that I'll be writing on here. Those will come out after this series is done (which might be a while btw).
Anyways, I'll see you all l8er.
Bye 👋🏻

~Cordelia 🦕

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