Introducing The One And Only

808 38 59

(Y/n) pov

Many guns.
Aiming at me.
At my heart.
At my head.
Trucks. Vans. Cars. Motorcycles. Dracs. Ray guns. Handcuffs. Ropes. Chains. Tasers.

"Put your hands in the air," one of the dracs spoke, "How many of you are down there?"

"It's just me you dumbasses. Also, don't touch me. I'm not in the mood to deal with you guys right now so I'm just gonna go back to my little corner and cry myself to sleep," I pulled myself out of the sewers and began pushing my way past the dracs.

"We asked you nicely once and you didn't listen, so now we're giving you one more chance to hop in that car so everything can move peacefully and calmly," another drac whispered while placing its hand on my shoulder.

"First of all, I told you not to fucking touch me. Second of all, if you call yelling at me to put my hands up nice, you're an idiot. Third of all, I told you I am going back to my dank corner to cry. Leave me alone before I decide to get physical," I warned, "And I can guarantee that you do not want me to get physical with you all."

"Sir, there's another one over here."

I turned around to see none other than Party poking his head out of the sewers.

"Party, what the fuck," I yelled, "Dear Christ I told you to stay down there so they wouldn't try to kill you too."

"I love you," Party whispered sympathetically while hopping over towards me.

"I love you too. Let's go back to our corner so we can cry together," I chuckled while walking into the desert, "Guys come on up. We're leaving because these dracs are pussies."

The rest of the guys made their way onto ground level and ran over to Party and I.

"We've asked you nicely but now it's time to use force," a familiar voice cackled.

"Sorry Andy. We've had fun playing your games. They were truly entertaining to say the least, now if you'll excuse us, we have somewhere to be," I smiled as a large black van pulled up beside us.

"Oh (Y/N), but you're parents are dying to see you. It has been such a long time since you have interacted with them."

"Well I think they can wait a bit longer, don't you love? Maybe we can set up a night for dinner next week," I mocked while following they guys and hopping into the van last, "Have a nice day."

I closed the van door and sat down on a small seat as it began to move.

"So how did you get this set up (k/n), "Kobra asked, "How do you know these people?"

"If I'm correct, Show Pony is driving us right now and Missile Kid might be in the front with him. I used to be friends with some weird people and Show Pony just happened have an 'end of the world' pact with me so he showed up at the diner."

"You are correct. I am the one and only Show Pony, but Grace is actually at the diner right now," Show Pony shouted.

"You left her at the diner alone!? She's like seven years old Pony."

"Nah Dr. D is waiting there with her. I didn't wanna bring her with me because I didn't know how nasty things were going to get."

"Fair enough," I admitted while looking around the small van. Everyone still seemed confused, but accepting of the situation. It could have saved our lives after all.

Party seemed a bit aggravated to say the least. More of a sad, about to cry aggravated.

"Party," I whispered.

No response.

"Party," I whispered a bit louder while tapping his leg with my foot.

No response.

"Party, acknowledge me. I love you and I'm trying to talk to you," I pouted.

Party rested his his head in my lap and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Baby please talk to me. I don't like it when you're sad," I frowned while running my fingers through his fading red hair.

"I just wanna get back to the diner and take a break for a few days. This whole thing has been really stressful and I don't think it's gonna end anytime soon. I would rather go back to being a vampire for eternity than do this for another day. I wanna watch television on the couch while eating pop tarts and cuddling just like we did before this happened. Ya know?"

"Yeah Geebear, I know. I want it too. It's all I want right now."

"So are we not going by code names anymore," He cracked a smile.

"It gets annoying when I can't call you by little nicknames so that my one acceptation to the code names."

"That's fuckin' cute," Fun whisper yelled from across the van.

"I know, isn't it," Party chuckled, "(K/n)'s the cutest and only I can have her."

"Damn right I am," I smirked.

"So when did ya stop bein' so lonely?"

"Zip it Pony. I've been with Party for over year now."

"That's impressive. Longest relationship you've ever had."

"That's because I'm fucking awesome," Party shouted.

"And past guys were total asshats. Cough Andy cough. If you get my drift."

"Oh Christ, I forgot about that one," Pony screeched, "He was horrid!"

"You knew Andy too," Party questioned while sitting upright.

"Yeah, I was actually good friends with him for a while."

"And he didn't try to kill you or fuck you over," Fun snorted, "I wouldn't believe it."

"Nah, he fucked me over big time. Tried to kill me in fact. Wanna hear a story?"

"Oh god here it goes again," I yawned.

"It all started in winter of 2005....

~Authors Note~
Before you guys kill me i am going to say i have no excuses for not updating in a month. I'm sorry. Okay. Now that that's over with. The next part to this chapter will be out soon. You probably don't believe me but I'm serious. I did tell you guys i was gonna be gone for a while but i still feel bad. I'm making a promise that the next part will be out within a week. If it's not out in a week just spam me and I'll do make sure i get it done. I also met Awsten Knight from Waterparks and Palaye Royale at warped tour last week. Okay that's about it. I'm just excited to be back and tell everyone what's been happening. I also get my braces off tomorrow which is a big thing bc I've had them for like 5 years now. It's a big thing okay.
Bye guys 👋🏻

~Cordelia 🦕

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