Let The War Begin

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It has been about a month since we've made it out here and there has been almost no activity. Actually, nothing has happened.
It's always quiet and peaceful around here, however the world is going down in flames.

BL/ind is taking over everything. People started taking daily doses of these small pills and now everything is different. People dress in uniform everyday. Nobody talks to each other. Every building is white and spotless.

You can only buy a single outfit. Once colour, one size. There were times you were forced to be inside, outside, working.

There are dracs and scarecrows running around with ray guns, searching for "killjoys". I guess that's us. We are The Fabulous Killjoys. There are others out there also fighting against BL/ind.

We have acquired our own ray guns over the past month, but never had a purpose to use them. We still keep them with us though, just in case.

(Y/n) pov

"This world is so fucked. Nobody has free will anymore," Frank complained.

"Yeah we all know, now stop stress eating," I snapped, "if you stress eat all of our food we're going to die."

I have been really snappy lately for some reason. I'm blaming it on stress. Who wouldn't be stressed in this situation?

My parents could be leading a corporation that is destroying the world while trying to kill me and the ones I love.

"Who wants to help me fix up this car," Ray yelled from the 'garage'.

"I'll help," Frank screamed like a child.

Gerard wrapped his arms around my waist and I started violently flailing my arms, legs and wings causing him to quickly retreat.

"What the fuck was that for," Gerard frowned.

"Oh god Gee, I thought you were someone else," I explained sitting back down.

I tried to keep my cool but he could see straight through me.
He looked aggravated, maybe even angry. He knows something is wrong and he's pissed.
He pointed at our bedroom and I simply nodded.

We walked into the small room and I sat on the bed while Gerard closed the door.
He turned around and looked at me with a very annoyed expression, "we need to talk about this."

"I don't know what you're talking about," I frowned.

Yes I did.

I knew.

"I don't want any bullshit (y/n), I want the truth. You've been in a constant pissy mood for the past week or so. You need to tell me what's going on."

"I'm fine."

"You've been having nightmares again haven't you," He questioned with a stern voice.

"No, I haven't been having nightmares again," I lied.

I have horrific nightmares every night. Ones about my parents being in charge of this. Sometimes I die. Sometimes I suffer. I've had dreams where the ones I love die and I'm left alone. So many others as well.

"You scream and kick in your sleep almost every night. I know you've been having nightmares again, but I was waiting to see if you would fucking tell me," Gerard snapped, "I don't enjoy being lied to by the people that I love and yes, that includes you. You're my girlfriend and I want you to trust me."

Gerard attempted to leave the room but I grabbed his arms behind his back and pushed him into the wall, holding him in place.

"You are not leaving after dropping that on me. We are going to talk about this like civilised human beings," I whispered into his ear and released my grip.

The Aftermath Is Secondary  (Killjoy Gerard Way x reader)Where stories live. Discover now