What Going On Inside Her Head II

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^my meme face^

Party's POV

"Okay go grab your stuff and let Dr. D and Missile know we're heading out in forty-five," Pony shouted as the van halted to a stop.

"Signal us if any old friends stop by to say hi," (K/n) smiled, "Now we're in and out of here. Get things like clothes, batteries, food, water and your dignity."

(K/n) pulled open the heavy van door and hopped out, heading through the diners door. We quickly followed beside her and entered our 2019 home.

"As much as I hate this situation and all, I'm gonna miss this place while we're gone. We have some really good memories here," I winked while walking to (K/n) and I's bedroom.

"Oh shut up you dork. We'll make so many more memories at our temporary home," (k/n) winked back while take clothes out of a drawer and tossing them into a backpack on the other side of the room.

"Sounds like a plan," I chuckled, "Now could you pack my clothes so i can grab some batteries and food?"

"Definitely. Also make sure the transam is starting. We could pack out stuff in the van and then drive separately."

"Yeah sure."

I hesitantly stepped into the hall as I heard footsteps on the porch. I slowly poked my head around the corner only to realise that I was face to face with the lat thing I wanted to see. Andy.

"What in the hell are you doing here," I shouted in shock whilst pulling my gun from its holster.

"Oh, I'm just here to deliver some valuable news to you all. Not planning on starting anything too major," Andy frowned, "It's actually quite important that you know this."

"And what's so important that you would need to show up for a second time today Biersack?"

"What is all of the commotion out he- oh what in the hell. Andy why do you keep showing up here if you're not just going to kill us. I'm tired of running from an army led by a dumbass that thinks it's funny to pull shitty pranks on us instead of just shooting us."

"If you haven't figured it out yet, I don't want to kill you. It's my job to bring you to your parents so they can experiment on you and then kill you. If I wanted that to happen, we wouldn't be in this mess. If I truly wanted you dead I would have finished this when you were a kid."

"Okay I get it. Then why are you here," I asked. I was a bit on edge at the moment. Andy isn't trying to kill us, but instead bringing us valuable information.

"I think we should sit down and talk about this," Andy whispered, "I don't want any of your folks getting the wrong idea."

We walked over to one of the booths in the kitchen and took our seats. (K/n) and I across from Andy, facing the front door of the diner.

"Now what's so important that you're willing to give up your job to tell us," I asked, "And this better be good because we have things to do so we don't end up dead."

"The first thing I wanted to tell you is that with the snap of a finger, I could make your vampire powers light up like a billion tiny stars. I could give that back to you. The second thing is a little hard to believe but it's true-

"What do you mean you can just give us our powers back. If you didn't actually want us dead then why did you take them in the first place," (K/n) screamed.

This lead Kobra, Jet, Fun, and who I assumed to be Missile Kid and Dr. D into the room.

"What in the hell is going on in here," Kobra questioned, " And why isn't Ballsack over here trying to kill you?"

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