Leaving The Safe House

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I love that picture lol

(K/n) pov

"Are we done now," Fun complained.

"You've only ran 13 laps," I frowned, "You can't honestly tell me you're tired."

"It's not like you've run any more that me."

"I've actually ran 17 laps and taken multiple breaks," I bragged.

"What time is it anyways?"

"10:13," I snickered.

"You're joking right," Party asked while slowing to a stop.

"Nope, you guys have beeb running for thirteen minutes overtime," I smiled, "Hey kobra, Jet get over here. Training is done for the day."

"Thank Christ," Jet smiled as he face planted into the sand.

"Don't fall over so quickly, let's go inside and get some water, then we need to discuss our plan for tonight," I explained in a more serious tone.

10:25 am

(K/n) pov

"So what are you planning on making us do tonight (K/n)," Kobra asked.

"Well, as you're all aware, we're running out of food."

They all nodded.

"We obviously can't survive off of a few cans of power pup. We will need to go and get food either tonight or tomorrow night. The reason I would like to go tonight is because BL/ind is having some big announcement LA. Everyone is supposed to go, so the stores will be relatively empty. If nobody is there, we take food and supplies then run. If someone is there, I have cash so we can pay them and hopefully get out alive."

"If everyone is supposed to attend this announcement, won't the stores be closed," Party asked raising an eyebrow.

"They should be closed, but that means the alarms will be on. One of us need to get in, hide and wait for the workers to leave. They'll lock the back door and then go to the front door to set the alarm. We have to slowly crack the door open just enough that the worker doesn't notice, and when they set the alarm and leave, we can all go in and get what we need. One person has to hold the door and one person has to be a lookout at the front of the building."

"So basically we just have to keep the back door cracked until everybody leaves and then quickly get what we need and bolt," Jet confirmed.

"Yeah basically, but we need the smallest person to hide in the building, but I don't wanna do it so i vote Fun has to."

"Why in the hell would you trust me ti do something like that," Fun questioned.

"Obviously you're frustrated, but regardless of how immature and stupid you may act, I do know that you're intelligent and extremely passionate about keeping us safe. I'm and idiot Iero," I smirked while standing up, "So who votes Fun to do the dirty work tonight?"

Party, Jet and Kobra all raised their hands and Fun was left stumped.

"Okay, fine, I'll do it," Fun smiled.

"Not like you had a choice short shit," I laughed, "Now rest up, we'll be leaving when the sum begins to set so we make it to the city at sundown. That's around 7:30pm, so we've got a good seven and a half hours before we need to leave in order to make it on time."

"So what do we do until then," Party laughed, "we've got almost eight hours."

"The other boys can do whatever they want, but I have some plane for you and I," I winked.

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