Chapter 9

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I'M SORRYYYY, T-T please forgive me. I made you guys wait so much you probably don't wanna read this anymore.. I'm sorry.. BUT HERE IT IS! THE LONG AWAITED CHAPTER!

I roll over and shut the piercing noise of my alarm, I swear I hate these things..

I turn over and hug mark, laying my head on his chest. I close my eyes and I'm about to doze off when I realize what time it is, 1 pm? I internally groan, did we just sleep through the morning? I don't even remember what happened last night after we got home..

"You up?" I whisper cautiously, when I don't hear a response I slide out of Marks grip and grab his black tee off the chair and slip it on. I tie my hair up into a messy knot and look through the pantry for stuff to Cook. Maybe I could cook up seafood pasta..?

I settle with that when I find frozen mixed seafood in the freezer, I lay out everything I need and begin cooking while I listen to random music playing over the radio.

I'm just about to heat the saucepan up for the sauce when I feel two arms wrap around my waist, I smile "afternoon.." Mark hums and rests his head in the crook of my neck "smells good.." He mumbles, sleep still evident in his voice.

"It's your favourite" I heat the stove and place the saucepan on it then turn around and place a soft kiss on his lips "You look way more tired than you should be" I say with a little frown.

"Yeah but the woman standing in front of me was a little too fistey last night.." He says as he lifts me up to place me on the cold counter "well the man currently holding me was being a fucking tease" I smile. He chuckles and kisses me "good afternoon love" he lightly smacks my behind and walks away, I laugh and get back to cooking.

I set two plates down on the coffee table by the couch and walk back to the kitchen to bring the juice, I look around the kitchen remembering I left the glasses right by the microwave "uh.. Mark? I think our house is haunted.." I speak mindlessly as I look for more glasses. Mark walks out from the bedroom laughing "what?" Did I mention he didn't have a shirt on again?

"I remember putting them on the counter when I was serving us, I came back to get them and I couldn't find them.." I say, an unintended innocent look on my face.

"Its not haunted love, you probably only reminded yourself to pull them out" I sigh "I feel dumb" he laughs again and I join it "you're anything but dumb" he kisses my forehead and grabs the glasses from my hand, walking away with the juice carton tucked under his arm. I stand there spaced out for a few moments before i regain my consciousness and walk back to the couch, plopping myself down beside him.

Lunch took a 360 halfway through when mark and I ended up in a tickle fight, me under him laughing my ass off and him hovering over me, digging his fingers into my sides.

I take a deep breath "mark enough" I strain out as I laugh "tell me you love me!" He laughs "I love you!" I giggle out "now please stop" I squeal like a dying seal. He stops and kisses me, I respond and pull him over me.

We then spend the rest of the afternoon on the couch watching weird TV shows and cuddling.

I don't realize I fall asleep until I wake up to the sound of a bag dropping, I sit up "what time is it..?" I rub my eyes "8:15, hurry and dress we're leaving in 20" mark says with a smile. I swear this boy never stops smiling..

I get off the couch and walk to the bathroom. I look the the mirror while I wait for the shower to heat up a little and notice something off. Wait.. How long has it been..?

I shake my head, just a few days.. I'm sure its nothing. I get into the shower and hurry with my shampooing, quickly getting out I realize I've forgotten my towel. I casually walk out naked, noticing mark look up from his phone when I do so, his eyes widening when he sees me "is this your way of seducing me into missing our flight and not going?.." I laugh "no you idiot, I forgot my towel" he rolls his eyes, a small smile playing on his lips "sure, because we totally don't have a towel rack in the bathroom that holds clean towels.." He says, smirking.

I internally facepalm myself "I told you I'm dumb! You aren't listening" I pout. He comes over and pulls me closer, placing multiple kisses on my face. "You're smarter than smart.." I laugh and push his chest "shut up.." I turn around to the closet and pull out a comfy outfit. Airplanes are cold and I hate it.

We pack up any essentials needed and make a leave, mark calls for a taxi and we make our way to the airport..

LA after 3 years..

once we're at the airport we check in and wait to board the flight, we were a little too early for boarding.

Once the lady announced that the gates were open we made our way in, the nervousness started to ware off and the adrenaline and excitement started to kick in. I'm going to see Anna after so long..

Once we're in, we sit back and relax.. The plane takes off 20 minutes prior to sitting down.

"Sir, ma'am, your dinner" the flight attendant places trays of food in front of us. 2 slices of pizza with a white sauce pasta and a salad. "You can order your dessert when you're done" she smiles and walks away.

I'm about to take a bite of my pasta when I feel overwhelming nausea kick it. I push my tray forward and stand up "what's wrong?" Mark looks up from his seat "bathroom" I say quickly, mark frowns and pushes his tray out of the way for me to move, I make a run for the toilet and to my luck its empty.

I get in and lock the door then turn around and spill my guts out, everything i've eaten in the past 24 hours coming right back up.

Stupid airplane rides..

YOU'RE WELCOME! hope you liked this chapter. I loved it, my markhyun feels were getting to me ugh..

Hopefully I'll update again soon!

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