Chapter 11

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"Babe?" Mark calls, i slip on a flowy silk evening gown and turn around "hm?" He comes up to me and runs his hands down my sides stopping at my hips "is there wanna tell me?" I raise a brow "what..?" Do i have anything to tell him..?

"Are you-" he's cut off by jae screaming "let's go!". Mark grabs my hand and pulls me out, completely forgetting his question from a few seconds ago. We step out and walk towards a BMW convertible.

This definitely doesn't belong to jae.. "I hired us a car so jae wouldn't have to drive us around" he say's as if reading my mind, i nod and get in. Mark walks up to jae, i'm guessing to get the address of the restaurant.

He sits down and starts the car, the engine roars to life and i enjoy the sound. He pulls out of the driveway and speeds off into the sunset. I pull out my phone and take a few pictures of the sunset.

Most of the ride is silent, that is up until mark turns to me with a complex expression. "Are you okay? You have that look on your face.." I ask looking at him. "My question from earlier.." He trails off  "are  you.. Sick?" I burst out laughing at this. "What?? Sick?? No, mark i'm perfectly fine.." I smile at him reassuringly "then why do you keep throwing up for no reason?" He frowns. My lips form into a thin line as i ask myself the same question, why?

"It's probably minor food poisoning.. Or a stomach flu, nothing too bad?" He eyes me for a few seconds from the corner of his eye before focusing on the road. I should really see what's up with me..

I sigh and look out the window, the rest of the ride remaining silent. When we get there mark silently gets out and i follow, he walks in ahead of me and i sigh the silent treatment over something even i don't know? Seriously?

I push it aside and sit beside him on the outdoor rooftop table, placing my phone by the coral tissue box. Anna and jae walk in just a few seconds after, Anna sends a bright smile my way and i return it, she sits opposite me and frowns "what happened?" I pretend like i don't know  and shake my head "yeah right.. I can feel the tension around this table, did yow two fight over the menu again?" She says with a glint of playful annoyance in her tone.

"Its nothing, I'll have a mojito for the drinks, you guys can pick the mains" i smile, praying she wont question it further. Thankfully she nods and moves on to discussing the mains and starters. I catch mark glancing at me every once in a while, but i don't bother.

If he's going to be like that then so be it. Besides, we can't discuss this in public and in front of our friends on our first day here. Dinner goes by smoothly, jokes and old memories being thrown around the table. "I won't forget that time in the chemistry lab at uni when mark snuck in and you made out in the supply closet because he didn't have a class and you got bored of poor Adam.." I laugh "ah Adam.. He was a good guy" i say rather dreamily.

We hear sudden choking and turn to the person desperately choking for air.. And that person being mark who's hitting the table in hopes of help. I tap his back repeatedly till he goes back to breathing like a civilized human being and turn to Anna. "So any plans for a second child..?" I wiggle my brows, she rolls her eyes "any plans on a first one? You two clearly had a quicky in the changing room this morning" she says, sarcasm dripping in her tone, yet a small smirk playing on her lips.

I bite my lip "we didn't do anything in there except change.." I defend, you were close though.. My conscience speaks up. "Yeah, changing each other.." She mumbles. I kick her from under the table and continue eating my spaghetti Balinese, she glares at me but doesn't retaliate.

Mark and jae on the other hand are having a conversation of their own about some Australian surfer dude. Anna and i continue little chit chats and jokes till we exit the place.

"See you in a bit" i smile and get into the convertible, Mark follows and starts the car up, driving off behind jae who already had a kick start home.

I wait for a few minutes, yet there's still silence.. I sigh "are you going to keep ignoring me like a little child?" I question, slightly annoyed. "I'm not ignoring you.." He speaks softly, i roll my eyes "yeah right.." I cross my arms over my chest and sit back, mark takes a sudden sharp right, causing me to fall into his shoulder. I grab onto his arm for support "are you crazy?!" I yell.

He pulls up in a dark parking lot and turns to me completely "you call this ignoring?" He kisses me, his hands trailing up my back. I let out a soft moan, after being ignored the whole night.. This kind of attention is deserving.

I take a few shallow breaths "no.." He grabs my right leg and pulls it towards him, making me slip and land closer to him, thankfully there isn't an armrest in our way. "These slits are a little too high for my liking babe.." He says huskily as he skims his hand up my right thigh. My head falls onto his shoulder and i breathe out, he leans in and nips at the skin on my neck, biting down a few times and hard enough to leave a few marks.

I let out a soft moan "are we really doing this in a parking lot?" I question. He doesn't answer but instead slips his hand under my bum, grabbing hold of the waist of my panties and tugging it down just low enough for the cold air from the air conditioning to hit me in all the warm areas. "Adam was a good guy huh..?" He runs his fingers along my inner thighs, i bite down on my lip, not answering him. "I'm not the jealous type.. But Adam gives me a reason to be.." He says really softly, his voice as smooth as butter.

My hands fly to his shoulders when i feel one of his fingers in me, i go weak and fall forward, the air being knocked out of me rather easily. "Do you consider this ignoring..? Hm?" He whispers, thrusting into me slowly. I whimper "don't.. Stop" i mumble into his shoulder.

"Sorry, what was that? Go slower?" He slows down even more, if even possible. I groan "faster..." He chuckles softly and does as pleaded to, adding an additional finger. I moan loud enough for just us to hear..hopefully..

"Don't cum.." He whispers in my ear and pecks my neck before pulling away and driving out of the parking lot. I lift my legs off his lap and sit up straight, clearing my throat i grab my phone to see a text from Anna.

'Did you guys get lost? We're home, if not then see ya!' I chuckle. Yeah we did.. Lost in our own pleasure at least.. Is what i think, but i respond with something more short and.. Not so weird.

Mark pulls up in the driveway of the house and walks around to my side of the car, opening the door for me, i look up at him weirdly and he motions for me to come out. I do as asked and step out, he swiftly grabs me and throws me over his shoulder, i squeal "mark, put ,me Down!"
He laughs and shuts the car door then makes his way to the entrance. As soon as we step into the house, Jae and Anna give us weird looks. Mark sets me down "what..did you two do?" Anna asks rather slowly, jae chuckles "they actually had a quicky this time" i roll my eyes "did not.." Mark smiles "Yeah it wasn't a quicky, it was more slow and sensual" he winks at me, i scrunch my face and smack his arm lightly, Anna looks at us disgusted "you two..are disgusting.." I laugh "says the one who got pregnant before me, oh and don't think i haven't seen you and jae fuck in the back seat of uncle Kim's pickup.. Raw" i smirk.

Anna groans "i told you that wasn't a good idea!" She yells at jae, jae looks at her "it was your goddamn idea" he says, way more calmer than i'd expect. "Mhm.. So was the women's bathroom one at my staff party!" Jae gives her the 'are you kidding me' look, "that was your idea Ann!" She sighs, giving up.

Mark and i sneak off upstairs as we listen to them bicker like the married couple they are. We shut our room door and lock it and i'm then pinned against the door.. Mark breaths down my neck "shall we continue..?" He say's huskily, i nod. He lifts me up and throws me on the bed, getting on top of me.

This is gonna be fun..

This was supposed to go up yesterday.. :') but i had this thing called a chemistry exam that caused lack of sleep and turned out i was right about almost everything.. I freaked our for no reason :') yay me, i have bio tomorrow..fml.. Next Thursday is my last exam.. Hallelujah. I'LL UPDATE SOON!

That is if i don't have writers block.. :) bye..

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