Chapter 12

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"Good morning sunshine" Mark greets shirtless as I walk into the kitchen, i smile "morning loser" he blinks my way a few times "well that took a turn, you werent calling me a loser in bed last night" he smriks and flips a pancake.

I chuckle "okay" i sing song and sit on the counter. Anna walks in not too long after "good morning fuck birds" she smiles and walks past me towards the fridge. I roll my eyes "Planning on that second child yet?" She chuckles "nope, but you two sure are planning on one" I nod "aren't we mark?" Mark turns to look at me "uh..yeah, yeah we are" he smiles.

Sue places the milk on the counter "really?" I nod again "totally, I mean.. Why not be pregnant for real this time?" She smiles "Mhm.. Those accidental reports were a highlight" mark lets out a dry laugh "not for me they weren't" he places two plates in front of us. "That's because you're jealous that you didn't get to hit me up first" I cross my arms on the counter, leaning onto it for support as I stare at his bare back his muscles flexing every time he flips a pancake.

"Do you want me to refresh your mind on what happened in that hotel on our trip to Dubai? I sure can-" I cut him off "shut up!" Sue turns to look at me with wide eyes "soohyun-" my hands fly around frantically trying to get words to spill but all that comes out of it is my mouth wide open big enough to catch a fucking raccoon in there. "you knocked her up then? Wow..I'm surprised I didn't hear you guys from down the hall" I smack her arm, she glares at me "ouch!"

"We weren't that loud last night" I say, biting into my pancake "uh.. Yeah you were, poor jess came running to my room telling me the couple next door were fighting and I had to tell the girl they were having a party!" She says in one breath, I purse my lips together, staring down at my maple syrup infused pancakes.

"So what're we doing today?" I ask, changing the subject. "I was actually planning on taking you somewhere since sue and Jae already had something planned for themselves later, right sis?" Mark looks at her, she nods with a smile "yeah! We're going to a friends place for their 1 year anniversary party".

"Okay then, where are we going...?" I ask with a raised brown.. Mark smirks "oh you'll see.."

He better not be making a trip to the adult shop, I swear I'll stuff a dildo up his nostril..

Not too long after we pull up outside a park, not just any kind of park.. An amusement park. I turn to look at mark and he grins "cool isn't it?" I nod, looking at the view behind him amazed.

I lived in LA for so many years and I've never been here.. "Let's go" he gets out, I follow suit and shut the door then walk behind him, my eyes never leaving the huge rollercoaster that was way too fast for my eyes to keep up.

I feel his hand slip into mine and tug me in after we get our tickets. We spend the rest of the day running around from one ride to another.

"And what did you do?" I ask through a laugh, mark thinks for a second "I punched him square in the face and told him to get out" he smiles sheepishly.

I shake my head, a smile lingering on my face "that's very unlike you" he sighs "he insulted my girlfriend!" I cross my arms and lean back in my chair "What girlfriend?" He smiles "so wanna go get something for that wedding?" I raise a brow.

"What wedding?" Mark blinks a few times, looking at me as if I've lost it. "Amanda? Amanda willow? Did Anna not tell you about it..?" I sit back realization hitting me a few seconds later. "Oh right.. yeah sure, why not?" i smile.

He mirrors my expression with an even brighter smile and stands up, his dress shirt straightening out with his prompt posture making my eyes trail down his figure as he slides his wallet into his back pocket and checks his watch. "We have a while before our next surprise" a smirk tugs at the corner of his lips as he looks down at me.

"You wanna keep staring- which may i add i don't mind,or do you wanna move your cute ass?" I laugh and stand up "come on" i sway my hips a little more than usual as i walk ahead of him, turning to make sure he's following me. Indeed he is when i do, a huge grin on his lips with his hands in his trouser pockets.

My dress sways with me as i walk towards the car right before i can get in though, his strong arm wraps around my waist and pulls me back into his chest. I feel his breath brush my ear as he leans down and whispers "don't do that in places where i can't have you.. i don't like the idea of other guys looking at your ass when you walk" i gulp but stay still.

He places a soft kiss under my ear and lets go of me.. i feel colder now that the warmth of his body isn't against me. I sigh with a smile and get in, buckling myself in mark quietly drives to a little more into the city where we can find a place to buy something for the wedding.

The rest of our evening goes shopping for clothes and a few other things,well.. i was distracted by a shit ton of things in IKEA so i may have emptied a certain husbands credit card.

"Remind me never to take you shopping.." Mark says as he pulls out of the parking lot of IKEA. Its around 8:30 when we pull up in front of a really nice Italian restaurant We walk inside and to our previously saved table.

Dinner goes by smoothly with us talking the entire time and laughing at stupid memories..

As i sit opposite him i stare into his sparkling eyes as he talks about his crazy childhood, i get lost in them nodding whenever he asked me something but not really paying attention. His eyes seemed too mesmerizing to look away.

I'm the happiest person alive.. and i'm so thankful for marrying this man..


So how was that?? I'M SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING!! I've been really busy with school and my finals begin in 10 days and i'm just so stressed for time i can't even.. ugh

Anywho, i finally found some inspo to write and so that's what i did.

I'm not sure when i'll be able to release the next chapter but you have a few things to look forward to! Don't be too impatient and once again, so sorry for the slow updates.

Hold Her Tight (Sequel To 'Let Her Go') [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now