For The Undertale

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"Ooh! Look at these ratings!! This is the most viewers I've ever had! We've reached the viewer call-in milestone! You lucky viewers will have a chance to talk to me before I leave the Underground forever! Let's see who calls in first!"

'There was a sound like a beeping, then someone picked up.'

"Hi! You're on TV! What do you have to say on this, our last show?"

'It was quiet for a moment, then the caller spoke.'


"oh......hi....Mettaton...I really liked watching your life is pretty boring...but... seeing you on the screen...brought excitement to my life...vicariously...I can't tell, but...I guess this is the last episode...? I'll miss you..."

I liked watch-

Ing Mettaton

I'm so sad

That you'll be gone


Our lives have

Been such a bore

You inspired

Us all before

There's a hole

Inside my heart

Knowing we'll

Be far apart

We'll miss you

When you are gone

Don't forget

About us, Mettaton

My life has

Been for my fans

They'll tune in

To always watch me dance

"Everyone...thank you...darling, perhaps it might be better if I stay here a while. Humans already have stars and idles, but, monsters...they only have me. If I left, the Underground would lose its spark. I'd leave an aching void that can never be filled. So, I think I'll have to delay my big debut. Besides, you've proven to be very strong. Perhaps, even strong enough to get past Asgore. I'm sure you'll be able to protect humanity.'s all for the best anyway. The truth is...this forms energy consumption is...inefficient. In a few moments, I'll run out of battery power, and... well. I'll be alright. Knock 'em dead, darling. And everyone...thank you. You've been a great audience..."

'Mettaton ran out of battery power. The human didn't quite know what to do at this point. Good thing Alphys came in.'


"I got past the door! Oh my god, he's on the floor! Mettaton, are you-Oh, thank god, he just ran out of batteries, he should be fine and-Oh! Human, hi! I suppose, that I-Should explain just why- I'm sorry! I thought we could be pals if I just put myself into your life! You understand, right? If my friend we're gone, I'm not sure that I could live without Mettaton. N-no problem, you know? He's a robot, so, I could build another, if you messed him up...Just like I mess things up, I always mess things up, I'm...I'm garbage! I'm a screwup! I've always been a screwup, always will be a screwup. I'll never be able to impress Asgore, or Undyne, or you..."

'After her little rant about herself, Alphys led the human down a hallway, leading to an elevator. The human wished she could help her more, they just didn't know how.'

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