10. I'm Alive and I'm Burning

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The next few days passed on the bus in an awkward, tense mood. Jake and Scout were keeping their relationship quiet and subtle; however, Andy still wasn't pleased. He spent most of his time in his bunk, recovering from the flu and avoiding the new couple. Since Andy was sick, I hadn't been letting him go smoke which was causing him to be in an extremely frustrated mood. All of the members of Black Veil Brides were anxious to get back on stage and in front of the crowd and their restlessness was becoming noticeable. Overall, the bus was not the ideal place to be.

At this moment, I was currently arguing with Andy about his smoking. He was getting better, and I figured he would be ready to go back on stage in a day or two, but I still didn't think he should be smoking just yet.

"Please, baby, tell me where my cigarettes are," Andy pleaded. "I just want one. One won't hurt."

"This is like the sixth time you've asked. I hid them, that's it. You can have one tomorrow," I replied.

"But I need one!" Andy whined childishly.

I rolled my eyes, "You don't need anything besides food, water, and shelter."

"I need you."

"Aww... well, aren't you romantic?" I said, giving him a kiss.

"I try," he smirked..

"Hey," CC interrupted, "sorry to break you two lovebirds up, but Jon wants to talk to all of us."

Andy sighed as we both got out of the bunk. We walked into the main area, hand in hand. All the guys sat around the room, either on couches or sprawled on the floor. As Andy and I sat on one of the couches, side by side, I noticed Scout sitting atop Jake's lap. I looked over to see Andy's reaction and spotted his mouth fall into a frown. I squeezed his hand, causing him to look down at me. I gave him a gentle smile and he smiled back, putting his arm around my shoulders.

Once everyone was settled and paying attention, Jon began to speak, "So, I know we've had a lot going on. My first question is regarding Andy's health. I canceled the shows the last few days. Are you feeling well enough to get back on stage tomorrow night?" Andy nodded. "Good," Jon continued. "Now, there's also been a lot of tension on the bus because of Scout and Jake's relationship. I get that everyone has their own feelings about it, but regardless, you all need to get the fuck over it. Do you understand?"

A mumbled chorus of "yes"'s filled the room, some more hesitant than others.

"We only have three more weeks on this tour and then we're done, so buckle down and perform at your best," Jon said. "Okay, I'm done. You can all go back to doing whatever you were doing."

Everyone slowly dispersed from the main area and Andy and I headed back to his bunk. Just as we were about to settle in, I heard my phone ring. Pulling it out of my pocket, I saw on the Caller ID that it was my mom. “It’s my mom. I have to let her know that I’m still alive.”

“Hurry back,” Andy said, giving me a quick kiss.

I walked off the noisy bus and out into the lot we were currently parked in. Answering my phone, I quickly talked to my mom. I told her that I was fine and what was going on, while she rambled about town gossip and asked me inane questions about tour life. After talking for her almost ten minutes, I told her I had to go and headed back into the bus. Walking back towards Andy’s bunk, I noticed he wasn’t there. Narrowing my eyes, I walked further down the hallway, glancing around. Reaching my bunk, I noticed Andy searching through my stuff.

“What are you doing?” I asked, suspiciously.

“Uhh... nothing,” Andy replied, looking up at me guiltily.

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