Chapter 2

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I looked up to see a boy with chocolate-brown hair and beautiful emerald green eyes on the opposite side of the room. I haven’t seen him this week. God, he was so handsome. He had a small bit of chiseled jawline with smooth, pink lips. He was wearing a red, white, and blue plaid shirt unbuttoned up to his elbows with a white casual tee-shirt inside, jeans with it, and what seemed like black Vans. He had on a white watch and was taking a few notes as well. I noticed here and there he glanced at me and I was looking too. I blushed and looked back down.

When I looked back up next time, the same thing occured. This time, he tried to be a little flirty with me and turned to face me and smile with hand, which had a few bracelets, brushing through his gelled hair. God, he could’ve been a model with that pose, that was hot. Absolutely hot.

    Was I drooling? Maybe. Hopefully not. Gah! He looks so hot, and I just can’t take it. I literally had to tear my eyes away from his sight, and I must’ve looked like I just ran a marathon. Red, and sweaty in places I didn’t even know could sweat.

    I swear I heard a light chuckle when I turned away from him. He must’ve thought I was such a fool and was playing with me. He does look a bit outward, possibly cocky…

    But he looks massively charming and kindhearted too...I have got to get to know him, his name, origin, everything. Even if I sound like a stalker.

    So after class, I started walking towards that direction, trying not to make it obvious that I was walking toward him. I decided to take a detour and ask the professor a “question” so I walked to him and tried to ask a random question about today’s lesson. Then, as soon as the boy seemed to come closer, I ended the conversation and began to walk away.

(This part would look so good with the song, “Let Her Go”) I was shy, so I tried to end my plan and walk faster away from him, but I felt a strong, but gentle hand lightly grab my shoulder. I turned around and blushed a million shades when I saw the handsome boy. He grinned.

“Hey there, I might be wrong, but I believe you were trying to meet me?” He had a very strong british accent.

My lips parted a bit when I realized how much beautiful he was when he was close up. I stared right into his eyes, which sparkled a bit. I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out. He squeezed my shoulder a little, and I realized his arm was still there. We were the only two in class.

I looked around, and realized I would be late for my class. But something about this boy made me feel like I wanted to forget everything and run away. He was special, I could feel it.

“Yeah, sorry about that. I space out a bit sometimes. My name’s Andrea, I’m from California. And yeah…” I blushed a bit. “I was trying to talk to you. I wanted to make some new friends here, since I feel so far away from home.”

“Yea, I saw you across the room taking a peak on that side,” he winked and smiled, “but why were you trying to leave? I don’t bite, love.”

I felt feels when he said ‘love.’

“I’m sorry, I don’t know, I thought you would think I’m weird just walking up to you.” I laughed a little uneasily, trying to ease the small tension between us.

He smiled warmly and removed his hand off my shoulder. I felt my shoulder, it felt very warm. He chuckled.

“I like you, you seem like a good friend.” My heart sank a bit when I heard friend. But I thought about it. Right now, the friend zone is important. You can wait for more. Don’t worry, something will build. I think...?

“My name’s Jack Harries, I live in London, so it’s convenient, but I am just staying in the dorms. I’m taking this class to do graphic designing.” I brightened a little. So am I!

“That’s so cool, so am I. I thought it was pretty interesting, just never expected to get into this university, god, its amazing.” I looked around in awe. I felt Jack’s gaze on me, making my body heat up. His presence gave me the feels. Haha, this is so funny. But he is SO hot.

I turned to face him, and he stepped a little closer to me. We stared at each other, I felt oddly uncomfortable and comfortable. He put his hand on my shoulder again. I suddenly heard Let Her Go playing.

Well, you only need the light when it’s burning low,

only miss the sun when it starts to snow,

only know you love her when you let her go,

And you let her go.

I turned around to see someone with their phone out playing it. I looked back at Jack with a faint blush on his cheeks.

“Haha, that was an interesting timing, huh?” I nodded and grinned. “What class do you have next?”

“Literature.” Wow, no joke? Really? AH! I have literature! But keep cool Andrea, keep cool.

“I do too! Wanna go together?” He nodded and we began to walk to literature.


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