Chapter 5

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I caught another taxi and went back to my dorm. I closed the door and fell onto my bed and sighed. I am so….confused. I rubbed my slightly throbbing temples.

I have a headache. I got up and got two ibuprofen tablets and then went to rest. I almost immediately fell asleep when my head hit the pillow.

I woke up at around 11 at night, and my stomach was grumbling so much, it started to ache. Ugh...I lazily threw the sheets off my sprawled body and dizzily got up.

Oh yea...I had a pounding headache and didn’t eat my wonder I’m starving. Let’s see, what is there to eat…

I had some pasta and marinara sauce, so I went down to the shared kitchen and boiled the pasta and heated up the sauce. I was the only one up eating and cooking while everyone else was sleeping, so I tried to keep it down. The sauce splattered a bit, and a little fell onto my nightshirt.

“Crap…”I whispered and got a paper towel. I hastily mixed the sauce and pasta together and carried a little bowl of it to my dorm room and devoured it. I instantly felt like sleeping, but some urge made me grab my phone and text Jack.

Man, I am still feeling a bit pissed and confused. Why is this bothering me so much???

I texted Jack, my eyes straining to be open.

'Hey Jack, so do you remember who I am now? Yea, I know it’s late, I had a midnight snack, maybe its this new London Time. Anyways, reply back soon-Andrea, the girl u met yesterday…?'

I read through my text. I sound so obsessed. How do I get rid of it? *Sigh*...who cares, it’s not important. What’s important is…*yawn*...sleep…


I woke up next morning very late, at around 10:30. Oh no! I have so much to do. I still have to review for tomorrow’s lessons and shower and get my place organized...stupid headache ruins everything. I looked at my sheets in front of me, piled messily as I stretched with effort to get up.

To bring my "bones back to life", I touched my toes (and I’m not very flexible, so…) and went to start my morning.

Still dazed, my face almost landed in my bowl of cereal as I scooped bites slowly. Then, I remembered. I texted Jack last night...did he reply?

I lazily trudged over to my phone. Man, I am a wreck today. Looking at how I am right now, you could think that I’m gonna end up being like one of those people on Hoarders or someone who’s a total mess. I better clean myself up and move on with my day.

I checked my phone, and to my slight surprise, he replied. I was curious to see what Jack would say because of his weird behavior yesterday.

'Hey Andrea, hope u get used to London time, and what r u talking about? I know exactly who u are this some joke?

I couldn't believe what I was reading. Was I going mental?

If not, then don’t worry I know exactly who u r…:) Maybe “London Time” is doing something to you ;)'

What. Wow, now I’m even more puzzled, plus, he thinks I’m mental. Ok, I don’t...know...maybe it is just me, and London Time…

I texted him back.

A: 'Haha, of course, but yesterday, by any chance, did you go to Starbucks?'

J: 'No, didn’t stop by yesterday, sorry. Why? Anyways i gtg now, talk to you later, Anna ;)'

Oh great, he gave me an annoying nickname. I had to admit, it was kind of cute. And familiar...But how was he not at Starbucks yesterday?

A: 'Oh. no reason, nvm that. See u :) oh and u might wanna seriously change that nickname soon…;)'

When I finished texting, I decided to pretend like none of that ever happened and that confusion didn’t exist. I took a shower and tried to make the soothing water help me forget about forgetful Jack. Or something like that.

After showering and dressing, I felt much more refreshed and lost a little interest in the whole confusion. I pulled out my book from Graphic Designing, Graphic Design: The New Basics and started reading through it and got massive interest in some of the internet software techniques we could use when my phone rang.


“Hallo, Andrea.” A familiar voice rang through.

“What’s up, Jack?” For a while, there was silence. Then, before I asked if he was there, he responded.

“Erm...I was wondering if you come over?” Huh? Jack was calling me over to his place? But would his dorm let me in…?

“Don’t worry, you’ll be allowed, people come in here all the time,” he said, as if he read my mind. I hesitated a bit. I wasn’t sure about how it would be going to his room when we just met 2 days ago. And he had this flirty side…

But he’s really sweet out of what I have seen, and so irresistible...he’s like that song you can never stop hearing. His eyes always pull me into this dream, and it’s like he takes me somewhere. Besides, he wouldn't do anything, it's probably just to hang out.

I couldn’t take it; something wanted me to go to his room. I happily accepted.

“We could just hang out, probably get to know each other better,” -his voice thickened a little there-“and ya know, just become besties!” I laughed and he laughed along with me.

That awkward silence came again.

“You sound adorable when you laugh.” I blushed from his compliment. No one really says this stuff usually to me unless we’ve gotten to know each other better.

“Thanks!...You’re adorable too.” I blushed even harder from my terrible compliment. I am really bad at this and I might’ve told him a little too much about how I feel about him for two days.

But he just laughed again, his voice filling my ears like music. I pictured him grinning big. “Ok, so 4 today?”

I said, “Sure, see you then!” We both exchanged byes and I smiled, and just kept smiling at the ceiling. I forgot about my studies and forgot about how confused I was about the Starbucks meeting.

I just wanted to meet Jack Harries and become closer, and that’s all that mattered.

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