Chapter 12

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Soon, I saw a medium sized restaurant with a neon sign and a dimmed light inside. From the look of it, it could’ve either been a fast food restaurant or a cheap bar. But even though I don’t know Jack or Finn too well, I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t choose a place like that.

As we got closer, I was able to read the sign, and my face brightened. In bright red and yellow, the sign read, “NANDO’S”.

“Aw, sweet! I’ve always wanted to try Nando’s! After my friends and I had heard of it from these British singers and Vloggers, hehe…”

Jack smiled. “British, huh? I guess you can mainly find it in Europe, I don’t think there are any in the States, right?”

“Actually, there are a couple in the East Coast, but I’ve never been there.”

Finn grinned. “So this would be a new experience!”

I smiled. “Yup!”

Suddenly, I frowned. I had forgotten a very important factor about myself and Nando’s-- I’m vegetarian. My family's followed this forever, and so am I. And Nando’s is a chicken place. Uh oh. But I don’t want to ruin in for Jack and Finn, they drove so far for me. I decided to adjust and find something vegetarian here for me to eat.

    We walked in, and I was surprised to see that the inside was actually a bit classy, with the dimmed lights and tables and candles in a few places. Even the ambiance was pretty nice. We walked over to a brunette waitress at a reservation podium.

    “Table for 3, please?” Jack requested and the lady smiled.

“Right this way, sir,” She walked us over to a little table near a wooden shelf of trinkets. We all took a seat, and she handed us 3 menus. I carefully scanned the list of meals to find something suitable for myself.


         “So, Anna find anything you like?” Jack asked politely. “Oh, may I recommend the chicken wrap along with the light greek salad? Thats super tasty.”


         “Um, yeah, so here’s the thing…..I’m….vegetarian.” I looked at Jack and Finn nervously and guiltily, biting my lip. They looked at me a bit surprised and possibly guilty.


         “Oh dear…..Oh, I’m so sorry, Andrea, I should’ve asked you first. Aw man, this probably ruined your dinner.” Jack glanced at his watch, still looking slightly guilty, as Finn did too.


          He stuttered, “I-if you want, we can leave….I believe there’s a Subway across…” I stopped him.

        “No guys, its ok. It’s my fault, I should’ve told you guys in the beginning. And you drove me so far, thats so sweet,” I blushed a bit, “I’m sure there’s something I can eat here….and I have wanted to eat here before….so why not give it a try?”

    Jack and Finn looked at each other skeptically. “You sure, Anna?” I nodded.

“Positive.” They both smiled and sat back, looking much more happy and relaxed.

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