Chapter 13

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        The next morning was a fast routine. Same as last week, I woke up at 5:30 and cleaned myself up, but I felt a bit exhausted from the previous night. Even though beer isn’t very strong, it still made me sleepy, apparently. I was too tired to make myself look as dressed up as Friday, so I just wore a blue Oxford sweatshirt, jeans, and converse. I rubbed my eyes and grabbed a bowl of Cheerios.

        While I slowly ate my cereal, I remembered something--Julia was supposed to text me back! Let me check my phone. 

    I grabbed my phone to check for any text messages, but didn’t receive any yet. I groaned a bit. I need to see if she has Hayden’s new number!

    I still have a good half hour till I should leave, so I decided to go through my old pictures and texts. I found a picture of me and Julia going trick-or-treating in 6th grade, and I grinned. Those were the days…

    Suddenly, I heard a ding from my phone. It was a text from Julia. What the heck is she doing up at this hour? It should be the middle of the night in California!

   Nice! You made some “lovely” british friends, hm?

Oh yeah. I wrote that. I blushed a bit.

    You should send me a pic! Not stalking or anything :P And actually, I do have Hayden’s number, its (xx-xxxxxxxxx), but why the sudden interest? You’re not getting feelings for him again….are you?

I sighed guiltily. I know I shouldn’t go back and call him or text him, but what to do….I guess I’m kinda curious. I did notice that his new number wasn’t a US code, but a UK code….that’s a bit strange...did he My heart skipped a beat thinking that Hayden might probably be in the same area as me. What if I met him? What would his reaction be…? What would my reaction be…?

         I pondered on this, until I realized the time was 6:57. Shit! Class starts in 3 minutes! I grabbed my bag, gulped down a quick glass of water, and ran to my Graphic Design class. It’s a good thing I live on campus.

    Once I arrived, I brushed my straight hair (from straightening the previous day) and took a seat, exhausted. Man, I am so unfit. I opened up our lecture book for today, and kept it open, leaning back on my seat. I looked around, eyeing for Jack and Finn. I was surprised not to see them yet, but I remembered that class doesn’t start yet, and that I’m usually early to class.

    Then, I saw the two twins walking through the hallway into class. Then, my eyes widened when I saw Finn’s shirt, or sweatshirt, rather. It was a navy blue sweatshirt, with the school’s crest in white and the school’s name written in white. It was exactly the same as mine. I blushed, looking down at myself. What a coincidence...and he’s also wearing jeans…

I peered at his shoes, trying to see if it was converse or not. It didn’t seem like it, so I guess we weren’t completely the same….I’m not sure if I’m happy or sad about that.

    They spotted me, and smiled, waving to me. I smiled big and waved back, and they came over to take a seat near me. When they approached me closer, I noticed that Finn’s sweatshirt was more like a jumper, so similar to a sweater. Man, that’s a cute Oxford jumper! I wonder where he found that? I never saw it…


         “Oh, it’s on their site, go check it out.”

I shook in surprise that Finn was now standing right next to me, grinning. I turned red, knowing that I had just said that out loud. Jack walked over to one side of me and took a seat, and Finn sat on the opposite side. I was still blushing when I got my senses to reply back.

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