Chapter 18

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"Do you think we should wake her?"

"I don't know, she's deep asleep, and I just feel...."

"Oh, come on Finny! She's not gonna be happy if she wakes up late, she said so!"

"I know, but....I feel a tad bit rude waking her up...."

"Stop being so hesitant! Just go!"

Finn pursed his lips and then cautiously walked up to me, who was curled up sleeping on the bed. At least he thought I was asleep. I decided to try and listen to how these two would wake me up.

He sat by me, and tapped me gently.

"....Andrea? It's um...6:00. You want to...wake up?"

Jack shook his head in disapproval. "Oh, come on, Finn."

"What?! I just tried to wake her up!"

"Honestly, the way that you're trying to wake her, she's just gonna fall back asleep!"

Finn frowned and shook me a bit harder. "'s gonna get late. C'mon love, wake up."

I stirred lightly to make it convincing, and then groaned a bit. He looked at me, and bit his lip. He pushed a strand of my hair behind my ear and then stroked my head gently. Then, he leaned closer to my ear and whispered, "You gotta shower and everything, remember? I remember you telling me."

Then, Finn looked down at my lips, which were a slightly open. He looked around, and then at Jack, and then bit his lip anxiously. Jack curiously peered over at Finn's face, which was red.

"What's the matter?"


"Are you sure? It doesn't look like 'nothing'."

"W-what makes you say that?"

"Your face is a hot mess." Jack laughed and Finn pouted, blushing.

"i just..."

"You're mentally debating whether or not you want to kiss Anna."

"What?!?!" Finn looked at Jack, and Jack shrugged.

"That's what it seems like to me, Finnegan. You fancy her, don't you?"


Jack smiled at Finn, and Finn sighed. "Alright, alright, I like her. But pipe down, I don't want her to know, she probably thinks I'm just awkward."

I smiled in my "sleep". I couldn't even believe what I was hearing; Finn likes me. I could feel myself blushing.

"Don't worry Finn, I'm sure she wouldn't think that."

"She'd like you, you're funny,'d be more interesting to her."

Jack stared at Finn seriously. "Listen Finn, I know you would think that, but I've seen Andrea. She doesn't seem like the kind of person who would turn you down. She seems to like the more flirty, romantic, shy....."

"Ok, ok, I get the point!" Jack laughed while Finn brushed a hand through his hair, laughing as well. "But I don't know if I should ask her out or anything hasn't even been a couple of months since she got here, and I had a plan of where to ask her."

Jack looked at Finn curiously. "Oh, so you've had this planned out for a while."

Finn nodded, embarrassed. "Yeah, it'll be the best place."


I stirred again, and the twins looked over at me.

"Maybe....I'll just tell you later."

Jack nodded and went to go get changed. I lay there, still fake sleeping while my heart is exploding out of my chest like a bomb. No. Freaking. Way. Did Finn just say he's gonna ask me out? This is not happening.

I peered slightly to see Finn looking at me cutely, his head cocked to the side as he sat by me. Suddenly, I had a cheeky idea. I don't know if I should do it, but I just feel like I should.

Finn came closer again to wake me up, and I abruptly sat right up and pressed my lips against his, and hugged him tight. Finn was definitely taken aback; he didn't expect it at all. I saw his wide emerald eyes looking at me in surprise. But soon, he went with it and kissed me back, his mouth moving with mine and his strong arms wrapped around me tightly. I felt like my heart was beating loud enough for him to hear, along with Finn's as well. Whoa, I didn't know Finn was such a good kisser. Not to mention he was really into it.

Then, we pulled away shyly and I twiddled my thumbs, embarrassed to look up. It took me all my willpower to look back up at Finn, who was still in a stage of surprise. Then, his face erupted into a huge smile, and he hugged me tight, and I hugged him too, the warmth of his body enclosing me like an envelope.

"You.....little.......eavesdropper." Finn whispered.

"How'd you know?"

"You think it was hard to figure out? You were blushing like mad."

I chuckled. "Well, so were you."

Finn chuckled back and his fingers were entwined with mine. Suddenly, Jack stepped into the room. Then, he froze, and looked at us from head to toe.

"So are you know....?"

Oh.  I looked up at Finn, who looked kinda nervous. Suddenly, he got up, his smile fading.

"Well, Jack.......I....gotta get ready for UNI now so....."

He got up and then slowly walked out of the room, and I sat there taken aback. I looked at Jack confused and felt offended.

"What just happened? I thought Finn would've asked me out, I thought that we....."

I felt myself crumble a bit at the thought that maybe Finn changed his mind. I knew it.


Suspense! Lol. Thanks for reading, sorry it's a bit short. But I hope you like it, and let me know in the comments what you think, and if you have any suggestions. Where do you think Finn's gonna finally ask Andrea out? Think back to the story of all the different scenes. Let me know what you think in the comments below! xx

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