Chapter 3

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The day passed by quickly, and before I knew it, I had Jack’s number, dorm number, and him as my new friend. Turns out he also liked to make videos with special effects, and had even showed me a few he had made before. They were really creative, with all sorts of things popping and fonts everywhere. He could be a Youtuber for all I knew. He would be good at helping with projects and presentations, maybe I could be partners with him for some stuff.

Oh, did I mention I have him for every class? It is almost like good luck, you wouldn’t believe it. I am really happy, because Jack is really kind and as you probably figured out by now, SUPER hot and handsome. He looks fit too, does he work out? Sports perhaps?

I took out my jingling keys from my bag and opened my room and lied down flat on my back and fell asleep. I was exhausted, it was tiring being an adult.

When I woke up in the morning, I lay looking at the ceiling for a while when my phone buzzed. My arm lazily looked around for it and I finally got it. My face lit up; it was Jack! I actually kinda missed him, it felt lonely in this room by myself. I don’t know why I didn’t have roommates, and maybe I should switch rooms to get one. Anyways, back to Jack’s text.

        'Hey Andrea, just seeing if this is the right number, hoping that it’s not a fake one to get rid of me, if its you reply back! :)'

        I smiled. I would never give a cute boy a fake number…unless he was creepy or smelled weird or something. And in this case, Jack felt like the best thing that happened to me. So far. I texted back,

        'Hey Jack, it’s me Andrea. Haha, don’t worry I wouldn’t give you a spam number. Why would I get rid of you? I only met you today :)'

        Ok, I am really impatient. I waited for thirty seconds and then got frustrated about when he was gonna reply. Cmon, cmon…

Finally after 2 minutes, he replied back and I mentally high-fived myself.

        'Ok, good, I’m not a weirdo. I’ll warn you though, I can be a bit cheeky, ‘arm’ yourself ;)'

I blushed. I wanna see that side...haha.

        'Haha, can’t wait to see that side of you ;) ttyl :)'

Oh no, did I just tell him that I wanted to “see that side”? Shoot.

Ah...Jack’s gonna think I’m such a creeper, first I tried to talk to him all of a sudden, got his number and stuff, and now I told him about this?

        'Ok, I’ll get prepared… :) bye love'

Omg, he called me love. Like in a text. I’m going all fangirly even though he’s not famous. But in England it's common to say love...One day, and this happens.

    I put my phone down on my side table and then freshened up and ate my breakfast. Then, I spent most of my day watching T.V., studying, and here and there, walking around campus to get fresh air.

        After a while in the evening, I got a bit hungry. I rummaged through my cabinets, but couldn’t find anything interesting to eat other than cereal, a few crackers, and apples. Wow, I really need better food or else my insides will fall apart. I went down to the canteen, but I wasn’t really in the mood for early porridge or hash.

        So I went back to my room, grabbed my bag, fixed my hair and got a jacket, since it was getting foggier and cold out too. Then I stepped out.

    I don’t have a car, and besides, it’s only been two weeks since I came to London. I wanted to get used to my surroundings, so I arrived a week early. My mom was almost a wreck, what with me leaving to UNI so early, and so far. I really miss my mom. I checked my phone for any replies to my call, but none yet. Oh wait, a text! I quickly checked it before finding a taxi.

        'Hey sweetie, glad to hear from you, I really miss you, hope everything’s okay there. How was first week? Is the education ok? Have you made any friends? I hope so, get in touch with others Andrea, you will need it in UNI. But be wise with your choices, and don’t make the wrong friends.'

        I thought about Jack. He seemed like a smart and trustworthy chap, not to mention massively charming.

        'Last thing is, be wise with what you do. I have complete trust in you, considering you got into such a prestigious college. We are all uttermost proud of you, and you’ve brought a high level to all of us, I love you dear. Hope you’re ok. Love, Mom.'

        I stared at the text for a while, and looked up to prevent little tears falling down. I sniffled a little and then turned off my phone and walked towards a curb for a taxi.

    Once I called, almost immediately a black vintage-looking taxi arrived. It almost didn’t recognize it as a taxi, since the American ones are usually bright yellow and checked black.

        I sat inside, a little shy and quiet, and the driver, probably in his late forties, asked me, “Where to, love?” I nervously took out my phone, which had the location of a nearby plaza.

        “ Baker’s Square please?” (made up place) The taxi driver nodded and acknowledged my accent.

        “You American? Where ya from, new here?” I nodded. “I’ve arrived from California for UNI in Oxford.” I looked in the view mirror to see his eyes widen.

        “Oxford, eh? Very smart, aren’t you, love? Takes a lot of wits to get into a university like that. You’ve also got the charm, haven’t you?” The man gave a wink and I smiled, blushing a little. “Thank you, yea it took me a lot to get here. Activities and studying pretty much took up my days, but it was all worth it.”

    “I see, still getting used to the place?” I nodded, and then the car began to slow down a bit near what seemed like an enclosed centre. 

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