Chapter 7

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I looked across at the other dorms. Jack’s dorm was all the way across campus...why is it so far away??? I walked a bit faster, and looked around at my university. On my way, I thought about Jack and how lovely he seems and about my family and friends in California and about how I got here, in beautiful England. The sun was glinting on me, and I shaded my eyes.

I looked to see a couple from campus walking together, laughing and nudging each other. The guy kissed her playfully, and she snuggled into his chest, hugging him and then turning around for a short make out session. I looked down, trying not to see any of that and pretending I didn’t.

Soon, after that load of walking, I finally reached Jack’s end of dorms. In comparison to mine, his dorm area looked much more crowded. Most of the students seemed to be around here, chatting, walking, and laughing pretty much having a good time. I wish I got a dorm here instead. Maybe I could transfer.

I looked around the building. These also seemed bigger with more floors and space inside. That’s probably why there’s so many people here. I remembered Jack saying how many people come in and out of the dorms to visit. I walked into the entrance and saw a slightly chubby lady in a dark green dress and blazer sitting at the front desk. She looked up at me, eyeing me. This was really awkward.

“Name?” She said in this nosey voice. I felt nervous. Is she gonna chew me out for going to someone else’s dorm?

“A-Andrea, um- m’am, but I don’t- I’m in the opposite set of dorms, I just came to see a friend.”

She grunted, looking at me suspiciously. This lady’s like a fat pig, sitting there with her dark, frowning lips and nasty attitude.

“Who’s yer friend…?” Her british accent deepened a bit, and I could tell today wasn’t her best day.


The lady’s suspicion grew, and she frowned a bit. “Hm...what’s a young girl like yourself doing in a young lad’s bedroom at this hour?” I suddenly felt like my stomach just dropped a level down, and I felt the heat rise on my cheeks. My mouth dropped a bit.

“N-no, m’am! I would never….I could never imagine….just going for a visit. I’m new to England, he’s telling me about the place, honest!” I stuttered.

“A bit dressed up for the occasion, aren’t you…?” I looked around, embarrassed. Was it really too much? I saw other girls around wearing more complicated makeup and outfits though, I’m fine. This lady doesn’t know what the heck she’s talking about.

I’m guessing she saw the look on my face, and replied, “Ah, calm down, I’m just pulling a joke. Go on ahead. Dorms close at 10, better be off by then.”

I nodded firmly and began to scamper away to the elevator. Man, I should tell Jack to come over to my dorm instead, if I had to deal with this bitchy lady one more day…

The elevator stopped at the 3rd floor, and I came out. The corridors seemed pretty quiet, maybe because most of the people are outside now. I looked over to see which one is Jack’s room, and tried to remember what number he had given to me. I think...245, I hope I’m right. I walked through the hallway all the way to the end to find a door labeled, 245. I bit my lip and knocked.

The door opened to a ginger haired boy with dazzling green eyes and pink lips leading to a beautiful smile, also known as the boy I met last Friday. Jack Harries. He grinned.

“Hey, Andrea, thought you were never gonna arrive! C’mon in!” I smiled and stepped into his dorm. It was simple inside, with the basic necessities, but organized. He had dark blue bedcovers, a bookshelf with movies, a few books, and other trinkets, a computer table, and some other stuff that I don’t want to get into detail with. 

I looked at him. He was wearing a casual black tee and jeans with those bracelets. Simple, but cute. He hand motioned to sit, so I sat on his bed and he sat next to me. Then, he leaned closer to my ear, and just when I thought something was about to happen, he murmured, “Did old lady Helen chew you out, by any chance…? If she did, I’m so sorry, I should’ve warned you. She doesn’t fancy new visitors.”

I rolled my eyes. “The lady at the front desk?” Jack nodded. “She’s...ah…,” He rubbed his eyes with fatigue, “...interesting. Anyways, do you want something to drink? I got a kettle of tea boiling.” I smiled.

“I’ve never tried ‘traditional’ british tea before, sure! I’d love to.” He laughed, it was beautiful to hear.

“Alright, let me just go check on it, my mini kitchenette stove wasn’t quite working, so I set it in the shared kitchen downstairs. I’ll be right back. Feel free to look around.”

He smiled warmly and then left the room. I sat there shyly. I have no idea what to do, and I honestly feel like someone’s watching me. I peered at the window, and looked all around just to assure myself. Was my hair ok? Did it stiffen or anything from the hairspray? Or how’s my makeup?

I decided to go to the restroom, so I walked over to the little restroom facility given with the room. That’s what I like about Oxford dorms; you get your OWN bathroom and don’t need to share it with others, because I definitely don’t want to shower where some stranger has.

I locked the door because I’ve always felt that insecurity regardless of whether I’m going to the bathroom or not. I adjusted my hair a bit, and “fixed” my makeup by patting it a bit. *Sigh*...I probably am a mess, and Jack probably thinks I’m a fool or something, or maybe…

STOP. Stop being so worried, If you’re just yourself, then he won’t care. And that’s what you're doing, and he doesn’t seem annoyed, just good friends.

I stepped out, and to my surprise, found Jack sitting in his chair near a computer table. But what shocked me more was that he…..changed…..clothes. And his hair. A bit. And he’s wearing his glasses again.

Is this guy obsessed with changing clothes or something? Because if I recall, he changed his clothes when ‘he was at Starbucks.’

He looks really smart though, and hot at the same time, and thats hard to find. He was writing something down, and I went over to him.

“Do you like to change your clothes often?” Jack jumped a little in surprise, and I laughed a bit at his shock.

“Ah, Andrea! I didn’t see you there love, how are you doing? And well, I change my clothes everyday like most average people.” He chuckled merrily, and his green eyes twinkled when he looked at me. I sat down in an opposite chair.

        He was wearing a lavender button up shirt folded up to sleeves and black jeans. The shirt was unbuttoned a bit at the top (I might’ve or might not have been staring), and he was also wearing a black watch. I never noticed it, but Jack was wearing a cross ring on his finger; that was cute, it looked pretty good. He was holding a cup of coffee, taking small sips from it. I frowned.

“What’s wrong?”

I joked a bit. “Well, actually I thought that you were going to get me some english tea before you changed, remember? But if it didn’t work out it’s ok.”

Jack looked confused. “Tea? I’m sorry, I don’t remember. And in fact, I’m only seeing you now, I never saw you earlier. Oh, except for the time I met you at Starbucks.”

“Aha! So you admit you did meet me at Starbucks! And you kept denying it!”

“....What are you talking about? I don’t remember denying anything, love. You alright?”

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