Chapter 4

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To my left, I saw a small circle of slightly old shops made of brick and other items like that with some outside restaurants lined with tall lights with fire blazing up them. I heard some faint music coming from various shops, and the chatter from the many people filled the whole area, with a orangish-red sunset. It was so beautiful, it reminded me of downtown Livermore in California. (true though, it's actually pretty lively there :))

    I entered a shop that looked a little more modern with groceries and such. I bought some milk, cookies (yeah, I know, I sound like I’m stocking up for Santa Claus), chips, some fruits other than apples (I despise them), some carrots and dip, and Maoams, a british candy.

        Once I stepped out, I realized how much colder it was and shivered. Damn it, I should’ve worn boots. I looked around to see a Starbucks right across in the plaza and walked over there with my grocery bags.

    When I went in, I smelled a warm layer of chocolate and coffee wrapping me in a blanket of heat. It felt so good, I grinned and closed my eyes for a minute. I really love Starbucks, it was my favorite place to get drinks in the whole world.

        I went up to the cashier and ordered hot chocolate. It was pretty cold outside, and that warm drink would make me feel much better. I requested whip cream (that never gets old) and then, the man made me the drink and gave it to me while I paid.

    I thanked him and went to a table to sit and drink and set my bags down. As I looked around, I spotted a familiar brown haired head near the rack of freshly baked treats. Is that…

    I walked over to him, who I was sure to be Jack. Then, I abruptly stopped. What if he’s not Jack? I might scare the shit out of this guy. So, just in case, I walked over near the refrigerated snacks, like sandwiches, and slightly turned my head to peer at his face.

        It was him! The brown hair, the green eyes, the handsome chiseled jaw, it was all there. But, he was wearing a pair of glasses. Jack had glasses? Oh well, he still rocks those glasses. He was wearing a thick black coat with string buttons with a dark blue shirt underneath. Did he change his outfit?

He was also wearing darker jeans and black converse and was holding a starbucks, peering over at the food.

He looked over at me and smiled and then kind of flirtingly winked and looked back at the food.

Um...ok? Were you gonna say hi to me? I looked a little closer (but not so much that it would look like I’m staring) and tried to see anything weird. I did notice a slight change in his chin, but I must’ve just been imagining. No one’s chin changes, it’s just the weather, it makes everyone look a little different.

“Hi!” I said to him, but he looked around, as if I was talking to someone else, and then walked away to a table and sat down.

Ok, now I pretty much felt offended, maybe a little pissed. I just met him yesterday, had a good chat and became good friends, and now he acts like he doesn’t know me? Gosh, some attitude. Jack was being a total brat.

I turned around and slightly stomped back to my table. One friend I make, and he betrays me. Ok, I might sound really sensitive, but c’mon. The first friend I make here, and he disses me off? My mom was right, I should be careful with what friends I make.

Depressed, I sipped my cocoa, looking down at my table and pulled out a Maoam, chewing hard on it, all my frustration on it.

After a while of bitter and harsh biting on that Maoam, I decided to ask him about what that was all about, so I got up and walked over to him with my cocoa.

“Hey Jack, didn’t see me, hm?” Ok. I sounded totally bratty and desperate.

“Jack” looked at me in confusion. “I beg your pardon?” Yup, that strong british accent was there, but it sounded slightly different, maybe a little deeper.

“Um, remember me? Andrea? In your graphic design class? We talked? Does that ring a bell??”

He thought hard, like the gears were working in his head.

“I am in Oxford Graphic Designing, but I don’t remember talking to anyone. It was only my first day, sorry love.”

He smiled, teeth showing, and took off his glasses, and had his lip holding them in between, and then he hooked it to his jacket. He moved his eyebrows up and down at me and winked cheekily, but this time, seductively, again.

My god, he was so stunning. What was he doing to me? I still feel shy around him. He had that cool, varsity look and was so hot and charming, and his face looked more attractive than usual. Like almost slightly seductive. It made me melt inside. I NEED him to kiss me. Blah, what the heck I saying? I met him yesterday, and also, I’m a bit miffed by him.

“But we met after class remember? We have every class together, we walked together, we even exchanged numbers this morning! You even texted me…”

“...We did?” He scratched his auburn hair, puzzled, with his face a little scrunched up. “I...really don’t recall...sorry. You might have the wrong person. But while we’re at it, if we’re in the same class, then I might as well exchange numbers. What’s your name?”

Wha…this is….maybe he has some kind of short term memory loss...I don’t know. He didn’t sound like he was kidding, he really didn’t remember me. I sulked and gave him my name and number.

“Beautiful name, do you want my number?” I shook my head.  

“No thanks, I already have your number.”

“Jack” looked confused.
“Really? How did you get my…” I stopped him.

“Never mind, I don’t get why you don’t know, but oh well. I will text you later, maybe. Bye Jack.”

“Bye A- wait, what? But Andrea, you’ve made a mistake, I’m not…” But before he finished, I was already grabbing my groceries and stepping out of Starbucks. He was telling me something, but I was too puzzled and frustrated to figure it out myself.

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