Chapter 17

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Now, the time was nearly 12. I wondered how much more work there was to do....honestly, how much is there?

I glanced over at Jack and Finn, who's eyes looked like they were about to close any minute. I can't say I was any different though....anymore work and my laptop would immediately become my pillow. Oh comfy and sleepish....

I yawned and smacked my lips. "Hey guys, maybe we should...just take a 2 minute break...."

Finn looked at me wearily. "Yeah....a break..." he yawned.

Jack nodded sleepily and closed his laptop. "How 'bout a quick nap of 2 minutes....just leaning back against the wall...I don't know..."

We are sitting on Jack's comfortable dorm bed, and I would love nothing more than to lie down and close my eyes, falling asleep there. But what would Jack think of me sleeping with him....

"Yeah, just against the wall..."

Finn and I closed our laptops as well and leaned back against the wall. I closed my eyes, and suddenly everything went quiet.

*      *      *

Hrrrrmmmph.....something feels uncomfortable. I frowned in my sleepiness and felt around to feel something like jeans, but they weren't mine. It wasn't my bum either. My eyelids flew wide open.

I strained my neck to look around. The light is faintly on, and I'm sitting, well not really sitting, but more like lying down, on a bed. I'm between two guys....whoa, HOLD UP. Two guys....?

I looked to my left (I'm in the middle) to see Finn all snuggled up, one hand under his face and his other arm around me. I was resting my head on Finn's shoulder.....or no, maybe it was his stomach. I can't tell in my drowsiness. I looked down to my right to see Jack asleep on my side, and I could feel him breathing. I looked over at the clock and gasped.

3:30?!? What the hell?! We must've taken a longer nap than we expected.

I thought that maybe I should tell them that I'm going back, but a part of my brain was tugging me to stay and just go back to sleep with them, why would they care? The drowsiness was unbearable.

Then, the responsible side of my brain tugged this time. Andrea, how will you wake up on time? Without your alarm, you can't get ready and change. Also, to change, you need to run all the way back to your dorm on the other freaking side of the campus. Why would you want to do that?

I forced myself to sit up, and Jack's head slid down from my side to the mattress. They were both deep in sleep, and I felt guilty to have to wake them up. But there was no choice right now.

"Finn....Jack...." I tapped them gently. "..wake up guys..."

They stayed absolutely still. I shook them a bit harder.

"You guys....c'mon, wake up, it's 3 in the morning..."

Finn grumbled a little and then turned over, going back to sleep. I groaned and pushed him a bit.

"Seriously, Finnegan..." I turned around to face Jack when I heard a loud thump and a yelp. My head abruptly turned to see Finn on the floor, groaning and rubbing his head.

"Oh my god, are you ok?"

" don't know...what's going on...?"

"You fell off your bed. I mean, Jack's bed."

"Jack's bed? What....what time is it?"

"3 in the morning! I've been trying to tell you guys that, but you were deep in slumber." I pointed at the clock and Finn's eyes widened.

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